Thunder's Place

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Is It Just A Pimple?

Plz help I have got an injury.


I was doing jelqing n I had this twitching feeling on my penis. When I checked it, it was a pimple sort of an injury. I stopped PEing for a month and it is still there. What is it? I am posting a picture. Should I continue with PEing. Plz help me.

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Pic is not clear; I’m just guessing : I think you had a boil you were not aware, you irritate it so the ‘twitching feeling’. You can do stretches; if the pimple is still there, than you should ask to your Doc for a cream or something. I don’t think it was caused by PE.

Could it be a thrombosed vein? Btw

It’s right infront of my pointing finger.

Could you further explain this ‘had a boil’.

I don’t think it is thrombosed vein. The pic is too bad, anyway.

You had a pimple you did not noticed before; when jelqing, you have made it worse, causing some inflammation. That’s what I guess.

Could be it’s an ingrowing hair.

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