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Is this a thrombosed vein


Is this a thrombosed vein

Yesterday after completing my 4th hanging session I noticed two slightly hard veins. One underside of glans I have experienced this before I think when I was jelqing, I simply massaged this out yesterday. But the other was on the dorsal side of my shaft near base, it kinda felt like it had a few small hard bumps within the vein so to speak.

I skipped hanging today, it is still there but it is painless, as it was yesterday. I am aware that from time to time my modified bib twists a little to the left, and the vein is more so to the left.I don’t know what to do.

Any help would be appreciated- thanks

oh yeah I can feel this vein when in flaccid state.

T-Rex, you say it is a little to the left so I asume it is not the main dorsal vein. Can you move it around by moving your skin? Does it feel hard like say a guitar string, only with bumps within? Can you feel something similar but to the right of the dorsal vein? I am recovering from an injury that seems similar to what you have. Had a big bump which turned into many smaller ones and then went away. Still have this hard “guitar strings” which may or may not be veins.

I can only advice you to rest, my injury has been very slow to heal and very annoying. I hope we find out what this things are.

Hey T-rex,

I don’t know if it is a thrombosis or not, but why take the chance on making it worse. Take time off until it clears up completely. Hot wraps, aspirin, massage may help it to clear itself up quicker. Do your PC exercises too, keep moving the fresh blood in to your dick.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.

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I forgot to tell you that aplying heat seemed to help me get rid of the bumps. Once after I aplied heat, I felt like I actually moved one of them bumps away from my dick to the base, while massaging the area. Maybe it was my imagination, but still, heat will surely help you get the blood moving. Take care.



>But the other was on the dorsal side of my shaft near base, it kinda felt like it had a few small hard bumps within the vein so to speak. <

I never had any vein problems with hanging. I did have an enlargement just behind the head from doing Ulis. If you are sure it is a vein, do as T suggested and take it easy till it clears up. Now, while PEing I did have various bumps etc. In general, I ignored them when I was certain the problem was benign.

In fact about the only time I took off from injury type problems was due to numbness. But that was me and I felt confident in self diagnosis.

Further, about the only reason you could get a thrombosis from hanging was if you had too much blood in front of the hanger toward the head. It would be hard to thrombose a vein toward the base on the body side of the hanger. Simply not enough opportunity for pressure or damage.

>I skipped hanging today, it is still there but it is painless, as it was yesterday. I am aware that from time to time my modified bib twists a little to the left, and the vein is more so to the left.I don’t know what to do.<

If there is no pain or discomfort, it might not be a thrombosis. Most report some discomfort and discoloration.

You should probably worry a little more about the twisting, if it is bad enough to come close to the back of the head. Other guys who have had the twisting problem, including me, have been able to get rid of the problem with a gain in experience. Continue to try different wraps and tightness of wraps and hanger adjustments.


Thanks for the reply Chi, Thunder, BIB

To answer your initial question, yes there is one large bump and the rest is smaller. Now that I reevaluate it, it seems to be right at the center, not off to the left. It sounds like you described it to a tee.

Please tell me that you didn’t have to take a month or more off. How long have you been waiting?

I had a thrombrosis on my dorsal vein around my circumsision scar. I know for certain because I went to a urologist. He said it wasnt really a big deal and would heal with time. I have another one now in the same place, probably from overdoing it again but it is going away (I seem to get injured very eaisily). For me they have felt like a hard bump in the vein. I have never had more than one bump at a time though.



That is what I have a hard bump in the vein, how long do you wait before proceeding with PE. Or do you wait until it is completely gone?


Take a look at this:

I believe now what I injured was the dorsal arteries, the ones that go to each side of the dorsal vein. Not sure though. Maybe I stretched them to hard and they became like guitar strings. Its been 2 1/2 weeks and now the lumps and the pain are gone, but they are still hard. Im not sure that will change and Im starting PE very slowly now, mostly light jelqing and massaging with heat
Maybe you injured your dorsal vein, that goes at the center of your dick.
Read my injury reports, you may find something in common there. You must understand that at first I was very confused and scared about it all, and had no clue whatsoever to what this is.

First injury…rare one too

Hope this helps, take care and dont PE until you feel better, I got my powerjelq and bibstarter while injured, and I have resisted the temptation. Im sure I would have only made it worse if I had used them. Take care.

I would strongly advise not PEing until the bump is completely gone. The urologist I went to didnt seem that concerned, although I didnt tell him how it happened. Im sure if he knew how I got it he would at least tell me to stop until it was gone if not altogether. I do know that the dorsal vein is the most important vein in the penis and I wouldnt fuck around with it. Wait till its gone. It may take up to a few weeks depending on the severity. Mine that I have now is in the same place as the first one so I am a little concerned that I could be doing something dangerous. Also slow down. I have gotten no gains, and if this stuff really works, I think my problems are a result of overtraining.

At this point I would like to hear others’ experience with thrombrosed veins. Everyone who has experienced this please chime in. It would be nice if you could state your case here rather than telling us to look through the injury section with its thousands of posts again.



Thank the good Lord,

I took you guys advice, I did kegels all dayyyyyy, applied heated cloth, took aspirin, took hot bath, niacin to open up vessels, massaged often and asta la vista. It is completely gone, keep checking, thinking I’m wrong or missed it and nope-its gone.

In two days I will pick up where I left off, until then more massaging,(niacin, aspirin not at the same time), hot cloth, kegels, hot baths. GOT RID OF THAT SUCKER IN TWO DAYS!!!!!

thanks again for all the input, made it more understandable-later.


Hey T-rex,

That is great!! Don’t get in too much of a hurry to get back to your routine. And when you do start back, pay extra attention to the area in question.

Also, the next time a guy posts here worried about having a thrombosis, jump in and help calm him down. That seems to be half the battle right there. Once you figure out what the problem is, it is a load of worry off your mind.

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Thunder you are absolutely right, I wil be glad to help out anybody else when needed

thanks again

All right T-rex!

Sounds like you did the right thing. My injury was/is worse than yours I believe, I was so stupid I actually pulled against this hard “guitar strings” as I like to call them.

I will start taking aspirin again, I dont know where to get Ibuprofen in my country though. Im happy to think I was of some help, I would hate to see other people go through this if I can do something about it.

Thunder is right, next time you see someone with a similar condition jump right in and help in any way, even if only morally. It sure helps a lot.

Now Ill cut you a deal: Ill stay off any PE until the weekend if you do the same. That would total 3+ weeks for me and less than a week for you. You must understand Im beyond anxious here but it will definately help us both. Trust me Ive been through some rough times with this. Take care and be well.


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