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Lump in small vein, HELP!

Lump in small vein, HELP!

There’s a very small lump in a tiny vein at my base. Is this common with a thrombosed vein? The lump is 1 mm or less, but palpable. the vein is stiff also and about 1.5 cm in length. Due to it being a small vein, is there less of a chance that I can dissolve the clot? I’ve been taking 325 mg of aspirin and 400 mg Ibuprofen daily and no PE for the last 3 days. I’ve heard it recommended to stop PE for 3 weeks, but I’m afraid I’d lose my gains.

Does it hurt, crash? And if so, how bad? Meaning- is it a debilitating pain, a mild soreness, or no pain at all?

CAP, It’s uncomfortable when palpated, but hardly noticible when left alone. By the way also a fellow New Englander.

I’ve had this. Exactly as you describe it. In my case it occurred on both sides starting at the base and running about 1 1/2” up the shaft. Each “hardened” vein (I think it was a vein) had within it a tiny bead, just as you noted. Also, they were only physically painful and visually noticeable when I was erect.
They lasted about 3 weeks and suddenly disappeared. I didn’t even consider it an “injury” because it did nothing to stop me from working my routine. But note: I am not jelqing in any fashion, and I’d imagine it would have been off-putting were I doing a lot of squeezes. It was sensitive at its worst, but I’m certain it would have been exacerbated had I pushed it via jelqing or ulis.
If you’re prone to squeeze a lot due to your workout, you might want to concentrate on stretching for a while just to be safe and give it time to “heal”.

Anyone know what this is (is it the dreaded thrombose?) Has anyone else experienced this? I didn’t think it jibed with the traditional description of a thrombosed vein.

Crash- New England, eh? I don’t know whether to high-five you or offer my condolences.


I just got this 3 days ago, on the right side at the top for about an inch.

Would heat help or just stop all PE?

>Anyone know what this is (is it the dreaded thrombose?) Has anyone else experienced this?

Yep. I had a vein that looked like a garter snake had swallowed a golf ball (well, maybe not quite that bad), and also a series of smaller lumps. It would go away after a few hours or days, then return when I PE’d again.

>Would heat help or just stop all PE?

Why not do both?

I might have the same thing, I’m not sure though. I’ve had mine since about 5 freeking months ago now.

It’s a lump, about maybe 3 mm in diameter. It is noticible (mostly with touching, not really looking) both erect and flacid. I got this thing during the summer and had no idea what it was so I just kept PEing. After it didn’t go away for about a month I thought maybe it was somehow PE related, so I stopped PE for a week or two. It didn’t go away during that time, so I got fed up and started PEing again. I have just lately taken another break and decided that I am definitely not going to start PEing again until this thing is completely gone.

I think it has been about two weeks now and the thing is still here. It’s definitely a little bit better, but I think it’s taking a long time to go away. I am putting a heating pad on it atleast once a day for 10-20 minutes.

About this bump:

When pinching the skin (around the bump) between my fingers, I feel a hard spot under the surface of my skin.

I don’t feel any hardened veins or anything, just this one area about 3-5 mm in diameter.

It gets dark and discoloured when I PE.

It hurts a very little bit when I squeeze it, but other than that it doesn’t hurt.

I seem to beable to make it disapear temporaily by squeezing/massaging it between my fingers for a minute or so. I guess this sort of forces whatever is causing this thing out of the bump. It comes back pretty quickly though.

Well, that’s all I can think of now. I still have absolutely no idea what this thing is, but I’m getting annoyed as hell with it since I’ve had it for so long and want to start PEing again.

Write me back if you have any questions or ideas about my bump.

Not trying to be funny here, but what about just living with it. I resigned myself to this possibility when mine hung on for so long. It was bearable and sometimes not painful in the least. It had no effect on the quality of my erections either. I also considered that this might feel sexy to the recipient of my stroke (never got a comment one way or the other).
It never seemed to get worse (larger, more painful) than when I first noticed it . No discoloration w/ mine.

Nobody has noted if they’re getting this via jelq, stretch, hang, pump, or a combination of things.
In my case it appeared while exclusively hanging BTC many hours a day so I’m certain of the cause.
Anyone else?


Mine happened from accidentally wearing a stretchy cock ring overnight. Since it was at the base I switched over to hanging and stretching, which didn’t bother it much. Any prolonged jelqing, squeezing, pumping, cock rings, etc. would aggravate it. I tried to mostly avoid these techniques, but temptation often got the better of me.

At times it would seem to disappear, but was actually sliding out of sight and feel under my superficial dorsal vein.

IIRC, the lump first appeared in January. By about September I noticed it no longer appeared when doing constrictive exercises.

Seems to disappear after a hard dry jelq.. Strange brew man.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

I realize this thread has been dead a few months, but I hoped those who participated could take a look at my similar problem.

I have a very small vein running from the base across the top of the shaft. About .5 inches from the pubic bone there is a small bump. Mine sounds very similar to what you folks have described.

I am presently abstaining from PE to see if it will heal. From what I read some of you continued to PE. What is the present status of your “bump” or vein? Would you advise me to keep hanging? Let it rest? What did you do and what were the results? Also, what if this bump does not go away? Are there any long term effects?

I have no pain, no discolloration, no erection problems, etc. Not noticeable unless you press against the skin. I think mine was the result of PJing and ULIs. I’ve stopped both.

I would be grateful for any responses, especially if you’ve had the same problem.




"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Marty, What is the current status of your bump? I got one today along with the donut effect. The puffy area (donut) has subsided after about 5 hours, but I have a small bump on my right side just below the head. I guess that area is a little uncomfortable right now, but I also jelq’d today and that leaves me a tiny bit sore. I’m only two weeks into PE and thought I was taking it easy. Most likely I got a little carried away with my jelqs today. Right now (flaccid), I have a little difficulty finding the bump. Actually, I can’t find it although I expect it is still there. I had an erection about 3 hours ago in an attempt to lower the fluid build up (donut) and that is when I noticed the bump. I have not wanted to stress it with another erection just yet, so I have left it alone. I applied some moist heat for about 25 minutes and took some Motrin to combat inflammation. We’ll see how it turns out.

I have an injury that sounds almost exactly like Mick’s. Has there been any resolution?

Same here, I overdid it, and had a loud lig pop my first Jelq session-kept on squeezing and ended up with a Small knot on the top side right about at the circumcision line. That was about 6 weeks ago—and it’s finally healing. It’s still sore at that spot, I can massage it and feel the distortion-heck for the first 3 weeks it was almost as if I kinked a garden hose that supplied blood to the glans (it wasn’t filling up entirely). Still a little tender but I’m going to start now and take it slow. I did see a recipe on here for a good essential oil rub for these types of injuries.

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