Thunder's Place

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Lump on penis

Lump on penis

I’ve been doing some serious hanging recently with my Bib Starter and also heavy girth work using a cable clamp. A few days ago I noticed a lump about an inch behind the head. Not on the skin but in the penile structure itself. It’s pea-sized, no pain, and can be seen if I’m erect and move the foreskin back and forth over top of it. It’s in the location where I attach my hanger so I’m wondering if it’s related and what has happened. Any one with a similar experience?


It ain't over till it's 10" (or 12 ")

Nobody replied to this, I am curious what happened

The original poster hasn’t been here in 3 years so I guess we’ll never find out.

Chances are if they never came back or posted about it it went.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Just wondering lol, didn’t see how old it was

I have a bump like this on the side of my penis,I can crush/massage it away.I stooped jelqing for a week but even a erection brought it back.

It’s pretty small,and there is a slight soreness there.

Any advice other then see a doctor or take more time off?

Originally Posted by newnew997

Nobody replied to this, I am curious what happened

It exploded and took out two city blocks. I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it in the news. ;)

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by setiamon
I have a bump like this on the side of my penis,I can crush/massage it away.I stooped jelqing for a week but even a erection brought it back.

It’s pretty small,and there is a slight soreness there.

Any advice other then see a doctor or take more time off?

It would help if you gave us a bit more information.

What exercises are you doing - how often; what force. what else do you do with your dick Fowfers? hanging? pumping?

If you can a picture.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Wet and dry jelqing,not a lot,just a dozen or so times,alternative hands,use less pressure with jelqing helped although it is only enough pressure to massage it.

Stretching seems to trigger it a lot,stretching seems to stress it a lot,perhaps just the clamping of the glands when doing a stretch

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