Manual Stretching Warning
Back in May I began having a bad burning around my penis and pelvic area. Recently I have gotten better but realized that manual stretching can be detrimental if done improperly and I didn’t know that. I thought doing something kinda extreme would help my gains but nope, I ended up overusing the muscles around my penis. When I do my stretches I only do them in four directions, hold and count to 20. Sometimes kegeling during the hold. It made my EQ sky rocket.
I got the bright idea I wanted a more intense workout so I would put my leg on something high like a chair or a sink and would stretch from there doing the same 20 second hold. But that was a bad idea and I learned my lesson. I never thought something as simple as stretching could cause an injury.
Life goes on but will only do regular stretching from now on. Later. :)
5.3" NBPEL.
BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!
Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)