Might be thrombosed vein
Hey guys.
So, I have what is generally diagnosed as a thrombose vein. It feels like a guitar string under the skin on the top of my penis, and extends all the way from up in my body down to almost the head of the penis, where I lose it. But here is the deal: there is NO pain, and my erections are strong and healthy. I have had it for a long time now. About 2 months ago, while reading here at Thunderers, I diagnosed it as thrombose, but have had it for as long as I can remember. So I took the last two months off to see if it would go away and it did not. It is the same as it has always been. For a while I just thought it was a ligament or something hard that connects the penis to the body in some way, but Thunderers has made me think otherwise.
My questions are these:
Has anyone else experienced a thrombose vein that did not go away after long periods of rest?
What do you guys think I should do?
Thanks in advance.