I really pray I heal from this shit.. I didn’t research jelqing enough beforehand and I’m a fool.
But your newbie rutine videos are just too much, I’m sorry to say but promoting that ruitine fooled me hard. Why so much force? I thought I took it slow.
In hindsight I didn’t listen to my penis, sure. I was a retard frankly, I kept on far too long. But I really didn’t expect this much symptoms and trouble with no heavy pain.
When I pull back my foreskin while flaccid it looks deformed. It’s like an hourglass with the upper 1/3 before tip being smaller.
It could be tons of skin at the 2/3 base.
I got so much excess skin now. My foreskin tip is pretty semi lifeless, there’s still feeling but more it is red and I can extend it far if I pull it out. If I do stretch it out it doesn’t pull back on it’s own
If normal state(not pulled back) flaccid and when erect (can’t stay erect for long still, BC tenses) it looks normal, so it’s strange.
My BC muscle still feels injured and I guess and REALLY hope, when it heals I should be quite functional. But the aestetics is pretty messed up on the underside shaft. The “line” is bumpy and not straight most times.
The muscle still feels like the main injury.
Would another injury cause severe BC problems? Like could a damage on the penis mess my muscle up? If not than I’m hopeful but I did hear a very low poff sound (like an airy fart (not kidding)) as it first happened but I still seem to recover more and more each week. Maybe a stupidly overworked BC muscle shrinking to nothing sounds like that. lol
Scared I messed up some fascia someplace but I got no cold glans or scrotum or anything and as said each week does feels better.
I honestly think my injury might be quite unique cause a normal person would have listened more and sooner and I’m just an mentally ill idiot.
It’s whatever if it heals enough for good sex and I guess most symptoms should better with time. But I really regret finding this site but I’m also an idiot for throwing myself in. I don’t even think I warm uped for more than 10 seconds the first time I tried and I have only myself to blame.
I also noticed while flaccid it sort of feels like I have a very tiny “another bump” right under my tip. Feels like I squashed something(flesh?) up there and it’s not the outer skin.
It doesn’t hurt or anything.
Booking an urologist is a pain cause there’s a trillion cancer patients but I am working on it.
Would like to try an mri scan and ultrasound but maybe if my muscle(close to feeling recovered but up down movements are banned and erections are tiring and tenses it) is much better then maybe getting those is a lot to ask(I have no clue how fast/easy they are to do).
My penis feels damaged:
Indention at corpus spongosium. Very small though and not much pain or anything.
Forskin lose, more feelings, dry, formable and red.
Strange “veins” or stretch “hills” at around the same place as the indention but at the sides.
Skin is very loose over all the penis basicly.
My underside shaft string looks strange as in it’s not straight but like some bumps/turns here and there, especially around the indention.
2/3 of penis feels wide while upper 1/3 before the tip feels thin if and only if, I pull back foreskin..???
Strange flesh base before my tip but I guess I just pushed a lot of excess flesh up there to gather.. lol
Since my muscle is messing up I don’t know yet what’s happened really to my actual penis. I’m looking forward for scans if they could help me realize just what has happened.
Ordered BioPQQ and if anything it can maybe placebo some help, gonna be interesting to try.
I have a theory:
My penis is deformed and shit but it’s whatever, it works.
The indention is real and is causing slow erection/semiflaccid drain and the foreskin redness.
Since I have the indention I now need a stronger BC muscle than most people cause it’s taxing me for more blood. This is also why my muscle got so messed up.
If I heal and keep no fap, then train with kegels/reverse for a while, I will be fine with some side effects that hopefully gets a little better with the years.
This theory could be wrong,slightly wrong or right but I’m still a bit scared something is very wrong, but I’m more hopeful than scared. Like 70% I’ll probably be okay and 30% oh god, maybe I teared something and it is just hidden now when my BC is in bad shape.
I’m also scared my penis is weak and especially how long my BC muscle will be weak for..
Sorry for rambling and I hope you all get gains and recover if needed. I appreciate theories but I realize my injury is strange.