Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My thrombosed vein or lymph vessel (picture)


My thrombosed vein or lymph vessel (picture)

Probably the worst part in being active in this forum is complaining about getting no gains, or even worse, posting a thread in the injury section.

I’ve got a thrombosis, hard guitar string, from edging with a clamp and perhaps from having sex with a too tight cock ring. During the session it really popped out and I could see and feel it instantly.

Whether it’s a lymph vessel or a vein, I don’t know. It’s hard and it feels sore. It’s been 9 days since I’ve got it.

What’s the strangest thing about it? I’ve already had the same injury and I only remembered it when I read my own post from 2005!!

Why am I posting this? Not to complain or warn anybody about anything but to post a picture of it. I hope it may help some people to identify their own injury or too scare some others.

It’s the horizontal “white” line.

2013-11-02 14.31.24.webp
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2013-11-02 11.47.02.webp
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Definitely looks like a lymph vessel.

Aspirin and heat and massage cured mine, massage it towards your body.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Definitely looks like a lymph vessel.
Aspirin and heat and massage cured mine, massage it towards your body.

Thanks for the kind words man.

But I can’t empty it like suggested in another thread where an urologist was quoted. It does just feel like spaghetti under the skin, nothing soft.

Originally Posted by KinXXXize
Probably the worst part in being active in this forum is complaining about getting no gains, or even worse, posting a thread in the injury section.

I’ve got a thrombosis, hard guitar string, from edging with a clamp and perhaps from having sex with a too tight cock ring. During the session it really popped out and I could see and feel it instantly.

Whether it’s a lymph vessel or a vein, I don’t know. It’s hard and it feels sore. It’s been 9 days since I’ve got it.

What’s the strangest thing about it? I’ve already had the same injury and I only remembered it when I read my own post from 2005!!

Why am I posting this? Not to complain or warn anybody about anything but to post a picture of it. I hope it may help some people to identify their own injury or too scare some others.

It’s the horizontal “white” line.

I would definitely stay away from the clamps and cock rings because they cut off circulation of fresh oxygenated blood to the penis and this can result in some serious problems.
I found it best to let a girlfriend clamp and squeeze my cock naturally. It was very effective and it never caused any problems or injury.

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!

Originally Posted by 7inchesSoft
I would definitely stay away from the clamps and cock rings because they cut off circulation of fresh oxygenated blood to the penis and this can result in some serious problems.
I found it best to let a girlfriend clamp and squeeze my cock naturally. It was very effective and it never caused any problems or injury.

I don’t know if I can get a 6” inch plus girth without clamping.

I was really clamping hard and I was kegeling as hard as possible, that’s why I got it.
Actually, a good clamping session was a session where the shaft behind the glands was swelling abnormal and stayed deformed.
AND I was wearing a cock ring 24/7.

I know the injury doesn’t look gross, it’s that white string but it’s a serious injury!

Newbies look at it and keep it cool with PE there no shortcuts in this game.
Those with small girth have to keep it slow. I know it’s fucking depressing to think about having a thin dick until you reach serious girth but too much pressure will put out of business for some time. Slow and steady wins the run.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


UPDATE: the pearls are gone. The veissel is a bit softer underneath the shaft but still firm.

The part shown in the picture has nearly solved it self. The rest, underneath the shaft, at the base, will certainly take a lot longer to do slightly better.
I had an injury like that back in 2005 and I think one part remained hard like some scare tissue or toughen up veissels.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Things are still the same, rest is goo and no erections at all, letting it turtle by wearing tight underwear putting some socks in it.

The annoying thing is the pain in the glands. I don’t get it what could be injured or inflamed.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Any updates on your injury?

I have the same injury for 3 days and it’s getting worse after having sex.
It gets really inflamed after massaging it. It looks that it is a clogged lymph vessel.

Can you specify what you did to get rid of the “pearls”?

Would seeing a doctor be a good idea?

I hope you are fully recovered by now.

No massage, only arnica cream or gel and wait, no PE for one months, better no sex too.

Venfire is right.

No PE and no sex for a few weeks. I think wearing tight underwear and putting a sock in it will help. No touching and no massing at all.

Your penis has to be as flaccid and bloodless as possible to avoid any pressure. No sex, no PE and no masturbating at all. The pearls should go away after 2-3 weeks rest. My hardened vessel is still hard but doesn’t hurt no more.

After a month I had sex without pain. I’m back to PE by wearing an extender and I will start hanging soon. No jelqing, clamping or pumping for some time soon, I think.

By the way today I was wearing a constriction sleeve (Monkeybar silicon sleeve from my old hanger) today to avoid turtling, the vessel looked like it was swollen a bit. Cockrings and sleeves do have some real disadvantages for our lymph vessels as far a I feel, even constant low level pressure can be bad.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


This are really bad news.
You guys are right. Right after having sex, I noticed that more pearls were created and the injury extended.
I will stop p.e. Completely for a few weeks.

My clamping routine was giving me great results.
But safety goes first
I just wonder if that vessel will ever be able to handle clamping again.

Thanks for the advice.

Tonight I had awesome sex, the pearls didn’t come back after all these weeks BUT the hard string has hurt during sex, I’ve got a sore feeling which went away after.

Originally Posted by murdoc1718
This are really bad news.
You guys are right. Right after having sex, I noticed that more pearls were created and the injury extended.
I will stop p.e. Completely for a few weeks.

My clamping routine was giving me great results.
But safety goes first
I just wonder if that vessel will ever be able to handle clamping again.

Thanks for the advice.

It’s been the second time that I’ve been having this hard string type of injury. Back in 2005 I’ve had one too and I only remembered it when reading my own posts in the injury section.
First time, there were no pearls, just the hard string was appearing.

My injury:

- hard string running from the base to the glands ( a hardened lymph vessels, which even felt sore the time before I was clamping, when I was having sex and my cock got straightened during intercourse)
- pain in the glands and the right side of my shaft (probably a small thrombosis, but this could a be vein)

So why did I get this injury? Why could we be prone to get this type of injury? Did we do the same mistakes or do we have the same anatomical properties?
My thoughts:

- My cock has a down and a left curve which got less over the years. While having sex, my cock gets always straightened and there is always pressure on the left corpus cavernosum, the area where I got the pearls and the hard string.

- I may have veins that are weaker than the average guys. My mother has varicocele in their leg and I got some busted capillaries in my left leg.

- I clamped while having 100% erection, edging and clicking down like a mad man, clamping down a rock hard cock. This got me a temporary deformation of the CC and the CS behind the glands.

- I wore a cock ring 24/7 to maintain some expansion, which was bad for the lymph vessels. Night woods were dangerous too.

- I found that pumping after a hard clamping sessions is the shit. Pumping blood in and keeping the deformed tissue expanded, sounds great but can be dangerous.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


You have a good point there.

I also have a curve towards the left.

I was wearing an overly tight cock ring, which cold have contributed to the injury.

Yet, I am pretty sure that clamping at 110% level caused my injury. I had to stop my clamping session because it got

Too intense and pain kicked in.

I do know for a fact that going over the edge with my erection was a mistake.

The first pearl developed right in the spot where I attach the clamp. On top of my shaft at the base.

After I tried to remove it, it got inflamed and more pearls developed. It got sore and painful for a few days.

The only thing that worked for removing the inflammation and pain was topricin. An over the counter cream that contains arnica and some other natural ingredients.

You might want to try it to remove the discomfort of your string.

How are you guys making out with the plugged vessels ?

Do you guys still get them after heavy workouts? Or it its permanently gone?

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