Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Negative Pumping



You really have to calm down and resolve this step by step in a logical manner. One 8 minute pump session is just beginner level to get you used to pumping. As you gain experience and get over you start up trauma, you work up to three 8-10 minute pump sessions with a little jelqing in between each.

Good luck on todays attempt and don’t go overboard on the jelqing or the pumping. Make it feel good and I would still recommend entering the cylinder erect or near erect. When you pump, the goal is to be larger than your erect size by the time you have finished your routine and once you get this down, you will be, every time. :)

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Gprent is giving you good advice. I have tried just about everything there is and some exercises work for me and some don’t. Have you tried to use a condom while pumping?


Starting stats May2006 from the pubic hairline 5.6x 5.3

Oct. 2008 stats from the pubic hairline 7.0 x 6.0

8.0 bpel

Well I just finished my gprent session. I felt again Something bad when I had my thing inside there. I really think pumping is bad for me.. I don’t know why.. But It just fatigates or exhausts my penis leaving it really weak, thin & short. This is just a great shit for me.

Btw is anybody interested in a LAPump deluxe + 1 3/4 cylinder for half the price?


I might be wrong but I strongly believe it’s all in your head. Your brain is your most powerful sex organ and if you get it in your head that pumping is hurting you, then, your brain will make it true. I wish I could fix that for you, but I can’t. Hopefully someone will want to buy your pump.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

When I touch my penis and it doesn’t react like how it did before I used vacuum pump, it’s not a brain issue!


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