Ouch BIG black bruise from jelqing
Not sure how this happened, but I didn’t even notice it until after I’d finished when the right side of my dick went dark purple to black and swelled up! I was meant to go out on the pull tonight, but definitely won’t be bringing anyone home now!!
The swelling went down almost immediately when I hot-wrapped it, but the bruise (nearly a day later)is still very dark, and the centre of the bruise is a dark red and is kind of hard. The area measures about 4 X 3.5cm, so it’s pretty large, and it’s on the skin that forms my foreskin when flaccid, but is halfway down the shaft when flaccid. I would post a pic but don’t have these priveleges yet I don’t think.though it ain’t pretty anyway!
Anyway, just wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience, and what the hell I did wrong in order to get such a nasty wound! Am I jelqing too hard? I apply quite a bit of pressure, otherwise it just feels like I’m having a slow wank, and it doesn’t feel like it’s gonna do anything.
Any comments or suggestions will be welcome! Any suggestions on how to make a bruise disappear quickly would also be welcome! I won’t be PEing until the bruise has settled, which will take several days I think. And I think I’m starting to see a slightly larger flaccid hang too.or maybe that’s just swelling!