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pc injury?!

pc injury?!

Dear All,
I seem to have calmed down a bit. I do however have a problem and I think it’s genuine not imaginary. I may have overstressed the pc muscle by doing kegels and all that rampant masturbation I did in the last month or so. Now whenever I get an erection there’s a dull pain near the anus/rectum region, a tight sort of feeling. The other night I had a nocturnal erection and woke up in pain in that region. The thing is, the worry over this has caused me to lose my morning wood for 2 days. I did mention about this in another post and I did go to a doctor who thought it was something else but he didn’t know about the pc exercises and PE. Anyway, I am positive it is the pc muscle since I am also having some minor problems with incontinence during passing urine and some degree of constipation.

Let me tell you how I may have overstressed the pc muscle. As my dick was not fully recovered, I managed a full blown erection, without any external stimulus and maintained the erection for about ten minutes by slight touching under the glans. This produced an extremely hard erection but I held off from ejaculating. Then I did this again in the same day after 2 or 3 hours and again held off ejaculation. I know this wouldn’t normally cause a problem but my dick and the pc was already overstressed from continuous and vigorous masturbation for over a month. After that, I started feeling the pain. I am now on antibiotics and it’s been 4 days. The pain is gradually reducing and I have been putting hot wraps and warm tub soaks near the ass region to facilitate healing.

What do you guys recommend? Since this is a muscle, should I use hot wrap or ice pack? I have stopped trying to induce erections for the past 4 days.

What do I do about the morning wood thing? Isn’t it bad if you don’t get morning wood because your dick doesn’t heal properly if you don’t get it?

Is rest the only option and is there any long term harm done? How long will it take to fully recover?



Rest and a nice hot bath daily. A strained muscle doesn’t normally take that long to recover. You probably won’t notice it in a week or two (assuming you can actually go that long without exerting :) ).


perhaps adding magnesium salts to your bath will help relax you and soothe the area.

Once again, PC exercises should not be overdone and some guys don’t need to do them regularly at all. Hint hint.

The trick here is to take your mind off of the sensation entirely and your body will reach equilibrium on its own. The morning wood will return if you do not keep waking up searching for it.
I don’t mean to preach but leaving things alone is much harder than performing physical feats like running 10 miles or doing 50+ chinups. Willpower dude… put it all out of your mind. You will be fine and wiser for the experience of it all.


Hey guys,
Thanks for the input. I guess we should be reassessing the kegels and the pc thing, it’s creating a few problems for some of us. Mem, you guessed it right on, in my other post, a muscle strain, most likely the pc muscle.

Torso, thanks again, man! Where were you? It seems you are becoming a therapist to many here. Your words always seem to do the trick!



I think memento’s suggestion of a hot bath daily Is perfect. i would say 15-20 min hot soak twice a day. finish up whatever meds have been started and give it good 3-4 weeks before doing any thing elso. Good luck!!

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

sean007: How many kegels did you do a day? I didn’t understand what you said about ejaculating, did you always hold back the ejaculation? I hope you get better

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