Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Injury Question - Peryonie's Disease Diagnosed


I’m surprised they prescribed viagra for you.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

If its due to scar tissue iodine is supposed to help dissolve/break it down (I may be brutalized for heresy) most commonly found in betadine surgical scrub. (Behemoth has an interesting thread on this)

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Originally Posted by memento
I’m surprised they prescribed viagra for you.

Why so?

Thank you for the extra information, I will bring these up with the urologist as well.


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