Well heres my situation, about a year and a half ago I started noticing some sharp pains in top left of my shaft on the bottom side (right below the glands). I would masterbate and it would hurt bad after, then the pain would go away in a day or two and this routine went on for some time. Just recently I have noticed the pain has kindof spread around the top left side of my penis, and it seems right along a vein. When I get an erection now a days I notice a vein around there that I have never noticed before and the area is red and tender. I can only masterbate or have sex 1 to two times a week because of the pain it brings.
So I went to a urologist and told him all about it (although I left out the PE part), and he thinks it might be a stricture and is going to have it checked out. I do have some pain peeing, especially after masterbating, and also some pain when I am actually ejaculating. I think these two factors are the ones that drove him towards the diagnosis of a stricture. I personally think its more of a physical damage problem, but I could be wrong. Anyways I was just curious if the doctor could actually be right, because if so this solves all my problems, if not I go back to living the same miserable life.
If anyone has any other idea of what I could have done, or any personal experiences that relate, please share!