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Possible Injury from hanging


Originally Posted by DreamToGain
Hello There , Can mod please move this thread to injury and treatments please

I started hanging with the cabideiro that I bought
It is a really good tool, and when it pulls weight I do feel the pull of the corpus septum being pulled,
I was hanging until when I touch my penis middle it feels like there is a thin steel bar inside of it,
Isso é how effective the Male Hanger was

Although I think I saliente, did not measure the weight properly,
Worst again I felt asleep when haning,

Was afraid I went overboard and hanged for 2-3 hours

When I woke up, the pénis did not show any side effects,
But it was really hard for me to have a good boner
Even at max boner my glans wasn’t as 100% filled

Like it only goes erect for 2-5 seconds then goes away

The condition now is when I was working, away from all the PE stuff,
I sometimes felt some little painless twitches on my penis

TLDR : Pendurado, fell asleep, when woke up and tried to masturbate, the penis had a hard time keeping erect , Now the penis twitches from time to time

Did I injure myself? Is this nerve damage?

Hello friends I’m going through something similar it was also in the atrium I felt pain on the left side of my penis in the upper part where it starts I removed the equipment and it even went away, but the next day I did another workout and then the pain came back with 1 hour of training. The other day I didn’t do the hanging training I used the extender and I felt a pain in the same upper left side, but this time I didn’t feel the pain and my penis was like espasmos like you reported sometimes it moved out of nowhere spasms did I have an injury? That was March 9 until today when I move my penis I feel a little pain the spasms have disappeared I just feel something when I move my penis my erection I can’t see any difference, but on the left side it seems to be thinner than it was could it be that I have erection problems without future? My penis got thinner on the left side will it be an injury?

Could it be that I had an injury?

Hello friends, I’m going through something similar, with this exercise I felt pain on the left side of my penis, the upper part where it starts. I did three days in a row of one hour training I’m stupid even the other day I used the extender and I felt a pain in the upper left side on the same side but this time it didn’t go away I felt it and my penis was like a spasm as you reported sometimes it moved out of nowhere giving spasms do I have an injury? That was march 9º until today when I move my penis I feel a little pain the spasms have disappeared I just feel something when I move my penis my erection I don’t see any difference but on the left side it looks thinner than what could I have erection problems in the future? My penis got thinner on the left side will it be an injury? Could it have damaged the spongy body? Do you use another means of communication? I think it’s slow here. I’d really like a faster conversation.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
When did the injury occur?

My friends, on March 9º, during hanging training, I felt pain in the upper left side of the penis, was it an injury? I was having direct spasms, but now I’m not feeling the spasms anymore, but I’m feeling a little pain when I move my penis, which you recommend.

Originally Posted by Chrisfort
My friends, on March 9º, during hanging training, I felt pain in the upper left side of the penis, was it an injury? I was having direct spasms, but now I’m not feeling the spasms anymore, but I’m feeling a little pain when I move my penis, which you recommend.

Dude you should start yiur own thread ,
Your problem needs more attention!

So you tightened hanger too much and the result is it shrinked your left CC?

Originally Posted by DreamToGain
Dude you should start yiur own thread ,
Your problem needs more attention!

So you tightened hanger too much and the result is it encolhido your left CC?

I put a lot of weight without warming up, I already did it in the topic, but it wasn’t for the injuries


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