Putting an end to this.
Please move this to injury forum.
Hey guys,
Was on a light jelqing routine for a couple months at the end of last year. In the beginning of January, I started noticing a difficulty in getting/maintaining an erection and a numb shaft. Went to a couple urologists who all claimed my issue was psychological. I got a depression counselor and was placed on a depression medication (which doesn’t hinder sexual function). 4 months later.. I’m still having this issue. Went to a renowned ED specialist in my state and she claims I’ve got nothing to worry about. A doppler ultrasound was performed and she says my penis displays one of the greatest bloodflows that she has ever seen in her practice. There was no sign of venous leak. Even though my penis is numb, she told me there is no chance that there is nerve damage. She attests the numbness to vigorous masturbation and intercourse and thinks a resensitization phase will fix my problem. To battle the psychological ED, she prescribed 5mg Cialis for a month but advised me not to take it frequently since I’m trying to resensitize my unit. Tried the Cialis last night to see if it had any effect.. I unfortunately didn’t see any difference in erection quality. I can get my penis filled around 90%, but without stimulation it still shoots right back down. She wants me to take a Cialis every couple days until I’m able to get good erections, and she thinks that will diminish my ED to a great extent. She also thinks sensitivity will come back faster after this occurs.
Has anyone else had a similar treatment plan with similar results? I’m a little let down that the Cialis didn’t work, but I’m still thinking if there is too much anxiety, erections will be hindered.
Any advice appreciated, thanks.