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Scar Tissue

Scar Tissue

Any advice from the vets on breaking up scar tissue? I work with higher intensity routines and get scar tissue from time to time that interferes with good quality erections. I work with just mainly short high intensity dry jelqs and holds at different points along the shafts and have gotten great lasting results. So far heat, light stretching, and different bending methods have cut healing time in half and improved PI somewhat but I would still like to hear what others can recommend.

P.S. I do have a pump I use at lower intensity (3-4”hg), an IR light bulb, heating bad, microwavable heat pack, and 4 Androstenedione (4AD) powder - Never really use the stuff though.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

How do you know that you have scar tissue?

I get painful erections that don’t improve until I stretch and massage a little or do light pumping and jelqing. It’s possible it could be lactic acid (Yes, you can get this in your penis too) or even immature scar tissue that needs to be broken up. I know, I know, I read way too much in to physical and sports training.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

According to latest researches, scar tissue is created in connective tissue (like tunica albuginea) only when there is a major damage, like a cut or something like that. Minor damages don’t create scar tissue neither significative inflammation. If there is scar tissue, that would require several weeks if not months to heal.

I’m not sure either significative pain can come from tunica - not much blood goes there by what I know. Pain could come from smooth muscle.

TheGreatDivider, checkout avocet8s’ ” All Day Broken Routine?” Thread. I just read it and to me makes some sense, to me.

Marinera. Could we call it excessive fibrin or plaque built-up, not scar tissue?

My thinking here is, micro tears in the smooth muscle lead to fibrin being laid down as the beginning of a clot. There is no hyperplasia of the smooth and the fibrin eventually become plaque, as calcium, cholesterol and all that other fun stuff sticks to it.

Just something that’s been rolling around in my head for a while. Possible long term?
I’m no brain scientist though!

Doesn’t lactic acid buildup require anaerobic exercise?

I cant help much from the scientific side, but my personal experience is that this feeling is a good thing. I used to get it a lot more, but have been taking a big 1500 mg Glucosamine pill with my vitamins recently and it seems to make things run a bit smoother.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Just thinking here but, the lactic acid “theory” would point towards an oxygen deficiency.

" It is always easier to fight for one's principles than live up to them ". ..Adler.

DMSO and Iodine worked for me, broke up some scar tissue I’d had for years !

My physical theropest used heat and deep massaging to break up scar tissue in my shoulder muscle. Do not know if it will work in your situation.

I also use a solution of DMSO and detoxified iodine. In my case, I use it to prevent scar tissue from forming due to injections of Trimix. I have only been doing this for 10 months, but, so far, no scar tissue has formed.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

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