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Scrotal problem

Scrotal problem

Several days ago, when I was checking out my balls, I noticed that there is something strange over my left testicle - it looks like some kind of a not-so-little oval sac. It usually doesn’t hurt me, only when I touch it I feel some kind of discomfort. Externally it looks sort of like the picture I attached.

When I touch my the part of my scrotum over my right testicle I can feel the vas deferens and veins being straight, but over my left testicles they seem to be “twisted”, so that it appears as a globule.

During my PE routine (which I temporarily cancelled a month ago) I was sometimes stratching my scrotum to make my balls hang lower - do you think this made my left spermatic cord twisted and thickened?

Also, when I grab my left testicle and make it go up, the globule over it goes up with it and becomes much more apparent.

my scrotum.webp
(9.0 KB, 69 views)

See your doctor as soon as possible, it may be nothing but it is something you should have checked.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Is this within the sac or physically on the sac (so it’s actually visible to you)?

It is within the sac. I called it a “small oval sac” because it feels as if it were a loose sac containing worms or something.

I’ve met today with a doc and wanted to talk about it, but I couldn’t, because she didn’t have time (Polish NHS) to interview me thouroughly was very unpleasant and didn’t want to listen to all my current health issues (and I have quite a few). So, I mentioned to her only the things that were most annoying to me and this wasn’t at the time. I guess I’ll have to wait a month for a visit with a urologist.

PS. Now, it started to hurt more severly, ouch. The pain pulsates now the whole left part of my groin seems to hurt. Darn it.

Is that bart simpson’s peener

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"

This isn’t funny TheBigLurk. ;/

Originally Posted by mfalme
This isn’t funny TheBigLurk. ;/

Ah come on mfalme, that pic is pretty funny.

Anyway, my tubes seem to be connected and knotted in places but everything has always worked fine and I have never had pain.

Unexplained, persistent pain is bad and I am glad you made it to the doctor. Too bad that is wasn’t looked at, hopefully it goes away and you do not have to wait a month in pain!

Originally Posted by mfalme
It is within the sac. I called it a “small oval sac” because it feels as if it were a loose sac containing worms or something.

I’ve met today with a doc and wanted to talk about it, but I couldn’t, because she didn’t have time (Polish NHS) to interview me thouroughly was very unpleasant and didn’t want to listen to all my current health issues (and I have quite a few). So, I mentioned to her only the things that were most annoying to me and this wasn’t at the time. I guess I’ll have to wait a month for a visit with a urologist.

PS. Now, it started to hurt more severly, ouch. The pain pulsates now the whole left part of my groin seems to hurt. Darn it.

Don’t quote me on this as I’m only trying to help, but, if it is on top of a testis (facing your head instead of facing the ground) then it MAY be any epididymal cyst. I’ve had one since I was like 12. It’s benign according to my doctor. But it’s literally a lump that sits concurrent with my epididymis…..Though, admittedly, it causes me no pain unless I physically pinch it or something. I hope thats all yours is.

Yeah, I think you might be right! From what I’ve researched so far, what I have is either spermatocele (epididymal cyst) or varicocele (enlargement of the veins within the scrotum that carry oxygen-depleted blood from each testicle and epididymis), although the latter seems to be slightly more probable.

Originally Posted by Wiki
Symptoms of a varicocele may include:

* Dragging-like or aching pain within scrotum.
* Feeling of heaviness in the testicle(s)
* Atrophy (shrinking) of the testicle(s)
* Visible or palpable (able to be felt) enlarged vein, likened to feeling a bag of worms.
* Infertility. Recently several scientific researches have shown that in over 90% of the cases in male infertility the main cause is bilateral varicocele.

It explains almost everything. Even my obsession with the size o my testicles - 2 years ago, when I first become interested in the look of my genitals and started to compare myself to other boys of my age (by watching teen porn or even some gay-oriented sites) I didn’t notice myself to be anything more or less than average. Both my penis and scrotum looked normal (at least I used to think so). Nowadays, I feel that I have average penis, but below-average balls. And my load isn’t as big as it was during my puberty.

Who knows, maybe it’s not only in my head, maybe it’s not even any genetic disadvantage, perhaps my testicles really shrank due to this distortion?

I hope I’ll be finally able to see some urologist in February, so that he could confirm or deny my current assumption.

Many thanks Alrdybig! Even if what I’ve got is not epididymal cyst as you suggested, I wouldn’t find out about the info about variocele if it wasn’t for you. :)

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