Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Slight Scare

Slight Scare

Hey guys, I’ve been PEing for about a month now and today I decided to try something new that may have hurt me, clamping.
For the past month I’ve been doing:

10min Warm-Up
5-10min Stretching
10min Jelq
5-10min Cool-down
2 Days on/1 off

Today I did:

10min Warp-up
5-10min Stretching
5min Clamp
3 min break
7min Clamp(the first 3mins were behind the balls but then I switched as I started to think it was feeling weird)
5min cool-down

For the clamps I just used my hand though and made an OK symbol that I held around the base of my penis. Afterwards, I noticed my penis was kinda numb and just felt different than usual. Now, about an hour later my penis feels achy and still numb. I’m planning on taking several days off now because of this and my penis(especially the head) has been really dry too. Can anyone offer any advice to my situation and is it a good idea to take a short break? Thanks!

Clamping is very intense and you need to ease into it very slowly. After only one month of PE your penis probably isn’t conditioned enough to handle such a strain. Stay with the newbie routine for at least three months before even considering adding clamping again.

Even after almost two years of PE the routine you describe is about the maximal amount of clamping my dick can take. And I always do a few minutes of jelqing after releasing the clamp to get the blood flowing again.

I don’t know exactly what caused your lingering numbness, but I suspect that your grip is too tight. Take some days off and report back if you’re not recovering.

Don’t do any PE for some days. what exactly mean “..kinda numb?”. If it is real numbness and it doesn’t return normal after some hours, you should speak with a Doc.

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