Strange injuryinquiry
Good day to anyone reading this thread. This is my first post, but I’ve been lurking around the forum for about a year. I’ve been PE’ing for about four months now with some rather impressive gains: .5 inch increase to NBPEL and .3 inch increase to EG. However, I noticed I was getting some bright red discoloration on the head of my penis. Whenever I saw this I would just discontinue PE until the redness subsided.
Now, for the past couple weeks, I have an area that has turned red again, but this time it’s bumpy. I haven’t done any PE except for a few manual stretches here and there since I noticed the redness return. The redness goes away until I masturbate, then it flares back up again. The really weird symptom is that the area that is red has become really dry, and some skin actually flakes off from only that area on the head of my penis. Doesn’t that seem rather strange? I haven’t had any pain, and my EQ is completely fine. From what I’ve read on the site red dots are common from too much PE, but I thought the bumpiness and dry skin was strange. I haven’t read of that at all.
Basically, I’m wondering if anyone has had these symptoms before, and what kind of recovery time am I looking at? Like I said, I was having some good gains, and I’m eager to get back to my routine. However, I don’t want to rush back and do any further damage to my unit. I felt like after two weeks I should have been well recovered by now, but I just can’t get rid of this small red patch near the tip. Sigh.. If anyone can give me some advice to a newbie, I’d greatly appreciate it.