Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed vein....


I have a vein that pops up out the skin by the pelvic area and hurts when I touch it. The vein only comes when I do p.e but when I stop p.e it goes away. Can somebody help me and make a guess on what it might be.

Your body telling you that you do PE too hard?

I’m guessing here.

Am I close?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

How is that and I just do the newbie p.e.

You could possibly be doing the newbie routine with too much intensity.

Or you could possibly have injured it another way, I don’t know. Have you checked with a doctor?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

No I have not should I?

If it still hurts check it out, yeah.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I got a thrombosed vein not long ago, and hearng from guys here really helped. The big fear is that I have permanently damaged my penis and am scared to death of what that means. I went to a doctor (I told him I was wearing a cock ring during sex) I don’t mind him thinking I’m freaky, but I was embarrassed to say that I was trying to make my dick bigger. Not to mention that I didn’t want to hear from him that it wasn’t going to work, because I believe in PE

He put me on blood thinners and it was gone in about 5 days. So I started agan, with a beginning clamping routine, and it just happened again. This time I’m going to take more time off. What I can say to those who experience this for the first time is this; It’s not as bad as you think, but must be taken help, get treatment, and be careful. This time I am also applyng heat. I’m bummed about the time off.

I know what you mean about the time off :(

I am pretty sure I have a throbosis. I PE very rarely, but a couple months ago I did some jelqing with no warm up or warm down unlike I usually do (hence my thrombosis).

I had noticed two spots on the lower shaft a little less than half way separated by about a cm. One was bigger than the other and looked just like a fresh ingrown hair. I took tweezers to it looking for the hair, but since there was none I ended up eating away. I ate pretty deep into it and no puss or anything came from it. The bump was still there after the scabbed healed and i just noticed today that it is finally gone, after two months. Inside this area I can still see a purple vein which looks like an ingrown hair. I tried picking at that with the tweezers pretty hard, but after many attempts I couldn’t get hold of it… good thing, it was a vein!

The other bump was very tiny, 1/4 size of a BB and was rock hard. I thought for sure it was an ingrown hair too so I squeezed it a little bit about 48 hours ago… not too hard at all. Soon after that it became quite a big bump, about a inch in circumference and it is currently very sensitive and sore to the touch. Before it didn’t hurt at all; the first bump never but it wasn’t nearly as big as this thing has gotten.

Hopefully it will heal fast before my wife notices. I am taking advil, massaging, and doing a warm pad a bit.

I’d appreciate any advice/warnings on my condition as I am still researching it here.

well i just have been staying away from PE for a while, members have told me to take a few weeks off, it sucks, but i have to lol.

I have taken about 3 weeks off of PE due to an injury up and down the left side of my penis. I haven’t even been masturbating or having sex(maybe like 4 times in three weeks), just to give it healing time. Sometimes I feel no pain, but other times most of the side seems to flare up for no reason and I get an inflammatory sensation that is quite uncomfortable. If I feel the left carefully enough, I detect a hard cord-like body running up this side. It is not visible, however, and seems to be quite well-covered by other tissue. Could this be a thrombosed vein? It feels inflamed so I am not sure if applying heat to it is a good idea(heat therapy is apparently not good with inflamed injuries in the acute stage). I went to a doctor(general practitioner) and he said it was nothing serious but gave me a referral for a urologist, so hopefully I will get to see one in the next few weeks. I have been worrying about this a lot, so any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

Got what looks one of this. I haven’t heard anyone reporting these symptoms:
a) erectyle deficit;
b) one side of the penis doesn’t get inflated.

which I have. Am I alone?

How would that go Marinera?

I got a thrombosed vein about a week and a half ago. I am quiting PE for a week or until it softens. I feel it pulsating and it hurts if I get hard (I am not getting as hard as I used to and not as frequently either).

I noticed this all of a sudden and I have been doing the newbie routine for a month.

I got this vein as well, it went un noticed for a week as its under skin. Has anyone had a hard vein? What medicine will help me getting rid of it. I’m still browsing similar posts.


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