To Correct A Slightly Bent Penis
Okay, this has been discussed a million times before but has always been jumped around, and never really resolved.
Well, I’ve been trying something to correct a slight bend and it seems to work.
What I do is get semi-erect (about 40-50% but try it out on your own, alter to what suits best), grip the base of your cock tightly as you would a cock ring (which will make the erection a little harder), and *pull* your semi-erection in the direction opposite to that of the bend. ie. If your cock swings right, pull left. Vice versa.
It is similar to a directional bend, but you pull out and to the left or out and to the right, rather than just bending left or right. Catch my drift? You’ll notice that when you try it, you feel it working out the region in question much better than just a bend. Almost like a stretch-bend.
You’ll notice the bend superficially straightening almost instantly when you release it, and I’m certain that with time, it will be longer lasting. So far its worked for my slight bend like a charm.
Last edited by whoareyou : 06-13-2004 at .