Weird problem
I’m not sure if this is the place for my issue but since I have a new account I can’t post it in injury section where it probably belongs. Anyway, I wanted to get other peoples opinions on something. I month or so back I had a stretching injury where I may have pulled something in my member. It still is not healed fully, but that is not the issue. I can still get an erection and all that good stuff, but ever since then, I have noticed when I’m with a girl I cum very fast, much faster than I used to. I have never really had a huge problem lasting at least a decent amount of time before, and it has happened multiple times at this point. I have no idea if it is because of the injury or what, but is there any chance anybody has experienced something like this or know if an injury like this can cause you to cum faster? At this point I have no idea what it could be and it only really ever happened after the injury. Any thoughts?