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Weird tearing sound.

Weird tearing sound.

Today I was doing my normal tunica stretches (jai’s + tunica tugs and stretching in general.I am about 3 months into this.although I did pe for awhile a year ago till I thrombosed a vein which still comes back when I do girth work) anyhow I heard this sudden tearing sound like tissue tearing,like cartilage or something but no pain.urinated fine have sensation etc.anyone ever get this sound?what does it mean?I have no pain.maybe a little turtling but I always have that after stretching

Doctor ASAP is all I can say.

Hmm nothing appears wrong. Except now my glands get really tight and shiny/red like when I’m uli’ing normally.I feel a sensation in my glands thats unusual.I think the “tearing sound” was actually from the head when stretching.but nothings broke just a kind of sensation like were the soft muscle and glands meet.I am just going to give tomorrow a rest day even though I didn’t jelq today (just stretches)

But anyhow,has anyone ever had this weird kind of sound happen before?

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