What are these bumps :\
I’ve really not been happy with the appearance of my penis. It’s been darkened for years really since starting, but now that darkening is uneven. I’ve tried Finacea to lighten it, no success. Firegoat Rolls fairly regularly….only gives a temporary improvement.
I decided to take 2 weeks off and tried Amlactin…maybe slight success. After 1 week I decided to try apple cider vinegar wrap…well I don’t know what the hell happened but it looked like I had herpes on my dick. I have for a long time had these 3 little bumps down there and I do have HSV1 (typically presents as a cold sore in most people but it’s possible to have it genitally). I assumed that was what it was but never bothered me. Well anyway each day I used the ACV (3 days total) it got worse so I stopped and called a doctor and asked them to prescribe me Valtrex as I was almost positive it was an outbreak. Well it’s been 4 days on the valtrex and I’m pretty sure the only improvement I see is because I stopped using the ACV. These bumps are much less noticeable now but still very unappealing to me and I have no idea what they are. It’s possible they were there to their current extent right now, I don’t know. It almost looks like my ball skin where the hair pokes through but this is definitely not hair follicles.
Can someone please give me an idea of what this is? I’m going to schedule a doctor’s appointment to see if they have any idea but I doubt they will. It’s not an STD and it’s not hair follicle. It doesn’t hurt, nothing comes out of them, it’s just unappealing.
1/2013 Starting Stats: BPEL: 7.125 NBPEL: 6.5 BEG: 4.75 MEG: 4.5 UEG: 4.75
5/2017 Current Stats: BPEL: 8.0 NBPEL: 7.125 BEG: 5.8 MEG: 5.34 UEG: 5.59