White discoloration glans: wrong grip?
Hi there!
I’ve been adding manual stretches to my routine, but the neck part of my glans turns white when stretching (see picture for which part exactly). After stopping with stretching, it turns red again, but still seems less red than the rest of the glans. My glans is fairly smaller than my shaft, so when I stretch, I think I put a fair amount of pressure on the neck of the glans to get a good grip, forcing blood out of that area.
So my questions are:
1) Is white discoloration normal when stretching?
2) Should my ok-grip be against the glans when stretching, where I use the glans to get a good grip (but thereby pressing hard on the neck of it)? Or should the grip actually be a little bit away from the glans (so not against it)?
3) Some say it is better to first get the blood out of the glans before stretching. Is that true? Having a bit of blood in the glans actually helps with the grip.
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