Anabolic Steroids and Strong Ligs.
Hello everyone! :)
I have been PE over a year now and my gains are 1inch lenght. It has take hard work but I am happy for those gains. Some girth but not much.
All this time I have been using AS. First I was thinking that maybe I gain more when on roids but now I think different.
I was streching my dick very hard and want more length but nothing. My BPFSL was about 5-6months same length. No matter how hard or how much I strech.
Now 2months ago I stopped using AS. Immediately my dick start gaining strech. 2months streching and BPFSL has gone up to 0,4 inch. It feels very good gaining again.
Now I feel my ligs again but I’m feeling them much more painfull also.
Has someone noticed same thing with AS off and on?
Is it possible that AS can make your ligs so strong you can’t even gain? Because now I feel sky is the limit when I’m streching.