Thunder's Place

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Any Options to the Big 3 ED Pills?

Any Options to the Big 3 ED Pills?

I have tried all three main ED pills and every one either turn my intestines upside down or gave me a head ache and stuffed sinuses.
The ‘natural’ alternatives make me sweat and my heart race…

Is there any other options? Has anyone else dealt with some of these side effects?


Tadalafil, just lower your dosage till you don’t get a stuffy nose.

Differs per person.

Try black maca. Some refer to it as the natural Viagara. It doesn’t work for everyone. But it definitely makes my testicles larger, and gives me that wonderful tickle and urge under my belt.

Have you tried “juicing” up a big glass of watermelon? They say the white (bitter) rind part of it is higher in citrulline, which is the active ingredient. If you throw some of the rind in with the watermelon it will cover the taste. Remember, food sources take longer to act and there will be more of a cumulative effect in your system over time. So what I’m saying is, don’t expect a Viagra like effect an hour after you drink it. Try adding a glass or two a day for a few days. See how that works for ya.

Thank you all very much.

Right now my EQ is solid… actually as good as it was before I ever started PE.
But, there have been numerous times while doing stretching routines that it has taken a hit and I tried the ED pills but I had reactions to every single one of them.

Kinda scared me for down the road when I may really need them, lol.

I have been experimenting a lot with natural supplements (in addition to other things) to increase my EQ. I have been writing about my journey in my thread in my signature if you are interested. It’s all still a work in progress for me.

I also have been experimenting with OTC weekend boner pills, when I have some extended time with my girlfriend. Keep in mind I do drink alchohol, so that could play a role in the side effects I have experienced. But for long term products, Mansize3000 did nothing for me, VigRX (after over 2 months of taking it) did not live up to advertising for me to warrant the cost (and when I stopped taking it, I had no decrease in EQ). And for weekend boner pills yohimbe, Extenze, and Titanium4000 gave me rock hard wood, but also made me sick as hell. Dr. Seltzer’s hardon helper is the only one I have found that works and doesn’t make me sick. It’s not a long term solution, because it’s pricy (8-12$ a pill [which for me last about 3 days] depending on where you buy it) but it’s the best one I have found hands down for when I want that extra boost (EQ of 10) with my girlfriend.

July 2018: BPEL=6.5" MSEG=4.75" EQ=4

Dec 2018: BPEL=7.5" MSEG=5.5" EQ=6-8

My journey

Outstanding information Sunny,
Thank you

Like I said, this isn’t an issue for me right now but it has been in the past and it really ticked me off that I had a negative reaction to all three versions of ED pills.
Being that I haven’t really heard anyone else talk about it, I figured I would throw it out there and get some feedback.

No problem Mike, it’s just my own personal experience. Others may react differently.

July 2018: BPEL=6.5" MSEG=4.75" EQ=4

Dec 2018: BPEL=7.5" MSEG=5.5" EQ=6-8

My journey

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