I can understand the disbelief so this is what I did…
Ok I would take the pills everyday at 10am and 4pm.
First week workout:
-5 minute warm up
-Stretching in all directions for 20 seconds 5 sets each
-Ok, I use a stretch that incorporates the v stretch WITh your
pubic bone. In a flaccid state pull your penis up and into your stomach and pull like you normally would. Then do a kegel and hold it for about 5 seconds. Rest. Repeat. I did this in the morning, on the pot at work, and with my routine at night before I took my shower.
-200 jelq and pulls (Pulls last 3 seconds)
-Took a shower for the warm down
Second week workout on through week 5:
-5 minute warm up
-Stretching in all directions for 30 seconds and 5 sets each *plus* I did the improvised stretch listed above all day as well.
-30 minute jelq and pull session with pulls lasting 3 seconds
-5 horse 440’s
-Warm Down with shower
Week 6 Workout through week 9:
-5 minute warmup
-Stretches in all directions for 45 seconds and 5 sets each with stretch all throughout the day.
-45 Minute Jelq and pull sessioin with pulls lasting 3 seconds
-12 Horse 440’s
-Warm down with shower
Week 10 Through week 12 so far has been…
-5 minute warmup
-Stretches in all directions for 1 minute 5 sets each with that same strech to belly and kegel all day long
-1 hour jelq and pull sessions with a kegel in between each jelq.
-15 Horse 440’s
-Warm down with a shower
Suppliments used:
-Men’s One a day
-Vig-Rx penis enlargement pills
Right now I have not gained Jack shit after week 11. I made a mistake above, it was 11 weeks not 10 like I said.
As for the signature, when I made my account and sig it was back in may and I had just started using the excercises like a week or two earlier. I have not bothered to change it because I am an internet dummy and dont know how.
I am looking for my log book and will post my lengths and girth I gained at the end of every week.
Possible reasons for Rapid gain of length:
-I am 19 years old and just finished first year of college
-I am in excellent physical condition and recovery capability. When I mean excellent I mean being able to run several miles without stopping.
-I honestly do think the One a Days help.
-Switched to boxers
I did everything I could to get larger. I am sure you guys do not want to hear why and I am also sure you guys think I am lying through my teeth or somthing.
I also think a key to quick gains is trying to maintain a constant semi to erect penis all day long. The pills I took helped me keep my penis 50% erect about 65% of the day. WHY does this matter? Because when you repair the cells they are get repaired in a larger state than opposed to you being limp.
It made sense to me so I converted to boxers (they look better than whitey tighties too) and bought the pills for 3 months. My way of thinking was why not? And if I didnt see results the first month i was going to send them back.
There it is, whether you believe it or not, its up to you.
I would stongly recomend everyone browse through the top ten links that are listed through a link at the bottom of the page.