Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Hi guys

Time for me to restock my shelves. Is Aquachem Up or down? Is he in or out of town? Has anyone ordered from iron dragon lately? I had good results with their C liquid. What is the best source (dependability of shipment, quality and cost) for v & C Pills?


Aquachem hasnt replied to the 2 emails I sent him. Is he still around guys?

He replied to my emails. Takes him about a day to respond, but he does.

How does the powder compare to the pills? I am looking for a long-term, ongoing solution like the 2.5mg “daily” Cialis that is now available. I am 31 years old and have tried everything natural (exercises + many, many supplements). Some of those things have had subtle effects, but the only thing that lets me have normal sex with a genuinely full penis is Cialis.

I myself prefer the powder/mixed into a liquid. The difference is slight if any.

Been off line for over a month,,,moving ! So, buzz me if you have questions.

Edit : pm sent

Check messages

Hmm… maybe he is gone again. Emailed but no response.

Like nrvous1 said, buzz him every couple days as he is on and off the road.

Originally Posted by webslave

Like nrvous1 said, buzz him every couple days as he is on and off the road.

;) he always responds to my emails. If not the next day then a couple days later.

Updating his site a bit. Now with research peptides.

Has anybody received a response from AquaChem lately? I paid him several weeks ago for an order. He mentioned he was out of stock and expected to have more product in a couple of days. I’ve sent him several emails asking for an update and haven’t received a response (or the product). Is that typical?


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