Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Back In The Saddle

Back In The Saddle

Was wondering if there are any supplements or vitamins one can take daily without any wild repercussions or bodily side effects to increase semen volume, libido and overall good for sex and health in general as well?

I would say Ashwagandha

2022: BPEL 7.08" / 18.0cm x MSEG 5.00" / 12.7cm

2024: BPEL 7.50"/ 19.05cm x MSEG 5.30" 13.5cm

Extender: 1.2k hours (6/5/2024). Goal: 3k hours.


2buck Fit Hanging

ReStart 8/2022 BPEL 5.5" EG 4.5" BPFSL 6.25"

12/2023 BPEL 5.63 EG 4.94 Goal 8 x 6

Yeah I def need to get Ashwagandha in my list of supplements to take daily I also take zinc as well I was trying to see if you gents had any others I haven’t heard before mainly for libido, erection strength although I know viagra is basically a good answer for that lol and just better in sex and for sex type of vitamins daily as well

Holy Grail of Cum Load Increase

Most of the list I have tried, not as a stack.
The only thing I’d be careful with is pygeum because once you start you’d be precum leaky. And it’s not sexy when it looks like you wet yourself when your horny. And that might be good for some but when I get horny now, it’s easy for me to leak precum and i haven’t taken it in a long time. It doesn’t bother me as much nowadays but I’d take this list as a personal trial and error. I think Arginine and Saw Palmetto is overrated and I have much success with Panax Ginseng and Tongkat Ali. I don’t think all supplement are pure. You’ll definitely come across brands that don’t do anything and when you’ve tried another brand and it feels better. So read reviews because some manufacturers are just either fillers or just cooking the heck out of the supplement making it ineffective

2buck Fit Hanging

ReStart 8/2022 BPEL 5.5" EG 4.5" BPFSL 6.25"

12/2023 BPEL 5.63 EG 4.94 Goal 8 x 6

@2buckchuck very well I’ll definitely keep that in mind I’m basically just looking for something to preform better and feel better overall in regards to sperm count, bigger/healthier ejaculation loads and libido itself in general just overall health and wealth in bed and sex

But I’ll definitely check this out and do my thorough research
I’m really big on finding answers but I always trust but verify
Like for example
Tongat ali I’ll now most probably search pros and cons of said such supplements on Google and so forth on every single one listen I’m looking for progress but never at the expense of consequences or side effects to my body lol

Thanks for the reply tho.

Originally Posted by eliasperez_g
@2buckchuck very well I’ll definitely keep that in mind I’m basically just looking for something to preform better and feel better overall in regards to sperm count, bigger/healthier ejaculation loads and libido itself in general just overall health and wealth in bed and sex

But I’ll definitely check this out and do my thorough research
I’m really big on finding answers but I always trust but verify
Like for example
Tongat ali I’ll now most probably search pros and cons of said such supplements on Google and so forth on every single one listen I’m looking for progress but never at the expense of consequences or side effects to my body lol

Thanks for the reply tho.

The good part about this list is guys have already tried it out here. So it’s now a matter of if it works for you. After research, read brands so you get real bang for your buck and your not just swallowing placebo or fillers. Ive tried ashwaganda many times of different brands and it doesn’t do much for me. So at least I can tell it’s not for me. But I’ve tried two brands of Tongkat Ali and one works better. Same for Ginseng, not all of them are alike. Happy experimenting

2buck Fit Hanging

ReStart 8/2022 BPEL 5.5" EG 4.5" BPFSL 6.25"

12/2023 BPEL 5.63 EG 4.94 Goal 8 x 6

Lecithin and zinc for me.

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