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Best multivitamin Supplement


Best multivitamin Supplement

I was thinking about buying GNC’s mega men’s supplement. Are there any other/ better multivitamin supplements out there?

I like Now Food’s multivitamin called Adam. Also, get a pill cutter/crusher. I believe that when the pill is in powder form, it gets absorbed better. Just like when you eat food. If you don’t chew nuts well (almonds or peanuts) that it will just come out on the other end??

I put a vitamin in pure apple cidar vinegar and it took a long time for it to dissolve (3+ hours). Just think how long it would take to dissolve in your intestines and stomach, if it even gets dissolved. A lot of it might just pass right on through.

BTW, don’t buy the cheap brands. Their ratios of vitamins and minerals are off and don’t dissolve that well.

I don’t see the need to supplement the B vitamins to the 2500-3333 percent level. Your body can’t use it, so all the extra money you pay for it gets pissed down the toilet.

Buy One-A-Day for Men. Less expensive and better balanced.

Shym- Doesn’t it taste nasty when you mix a grounded-up vitamin with water? Stomach acid will do a much better job at dissolving a vitamin than apple vinegar ;)

Gprent- Good point, why take the extra vitamins in when your body can’t use it.

Check out liquid vitamins, with minerals, enzymes and antioxidants.

I know someone who sells Usana products. If money is no object:

http://www.usan … otCom/index.jsp

They are supposed to have great shit, but my personal opinion is that 99% of all supplement claims are bullshit.

Horny Bastard

I use this:

But it seems the price keeps going up.odd..

USANA: ahahahaha.isn’t that some MLM scheme? I know one guy involved in that. I wouldn’t recommend it.

Some doctor dude on Discovery channel web site once mentioned that he takes NSI multivitamin (they have bunch of different ones), so I decided to just get that. I’m taking the basic one . I’m sure there are a million others out there just as good though.

New Chapter is the best product on the market today , and the only certified organic line .

Their Every Man , and Every Man II are the best , in my opinion ,

Originally Posted by Highrise
Check out liquid vitamins, with minerals, enzymes and antioxidants.

Which ones would you suggest?

Thanks for everyones input. I’m curious if anyone has taken centrum, or natures way multivitamin? It seems most vitamin company’s use the same basic ingredients. It can be confusing with all the false advertisements out there.

If you decide on Centrum, take Centrum Silver. Even though it’s made for older folk, it’s also very good for men folk. :)

Which ones would you suggest?

The liquids based on sea kelp are the best, they are naturally high in vitamin A,B,C,P,K and beta-carotene.
Calcium,magnesium,phosphorous,potassium,sodium and all trace elements. Kelp also contains several amino acids and is rich in enzymes. This vitamins are not fishy or bad tasting, and are easily mixed with juices or water for kids.

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale
I like Now Food’s multivitamin called Adam. Also, get a pill cutter/crusher. I believe that when the pill is in powder form, it gets absorbed better.

Isn’t the point of having a vitamin in capsule form so that it doesn’t get broken down by stomach acids and is instead transported to the intestines? I think your method would would negate this design. Have any proof to support yourself?

Originally Posted by gprent
I don’t see the need to supplement the B vitamins to the 2500-3333 percent level. Your body can’t use it, so all the extra money you pay for it gets pissed down the toilet.

Buy One-A-Day for Men. Less expensive and better balanced.

The RDA is what is recommended by our government. But, there are plenty of vitamins that have great benefits when taken in higher doses than the RDA (B Vitamins being a few). Also, many people can claim the benefits of taking 2g of Vitamin C, yet why take so much, right? ;)

Also, that percentage is for two pills. I take 2 pills a day, but split them up into 4 doses throughout the day right before my meals. Some vitamins aren’t needed in high doses, but the B-Vitamins are key ones that are important when it comes to overall health.

Lastly, you could get the majority of the vitamins in Centrum by eating a bowl of cereal. Good multivitamins (like Adam) that are made by good companies have more in them and have more of the good stuff in them for a reason.

Originally Posted by spanky123
Isn’t the point of having a vitamin in capsule form so that it doesn’t get broken down by stomach acids and is instead transported to the intestines? I think your method would would negate this design. Have any proof to support yourself?

I don’t have proof, but if it were like that, then all the whey protein, creatine, glutamine, BCAAs, other powders that athletes, powerlifters, etc. take wouldn’t get absorbed well either.

I take BCAAs as one of my main supplements. I feel A LOT better when I’m on them than when I’m off of them, so something is getting digested ;)

Last edited by ShyMplsMale : 07-29-2007 at .

I like Super Spectrim vitamins the best myself. I won’t say they are the best (I challenge anyone who says that their preferred brand is to prove it without vendor funded studies!), but I have had luck with them. They are the only vitamins that passed I test I did in college to test the effect of vitamins on semen volume and distance. They had a noticeable consistent effect as in larger ‘loads’ and greater distance.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

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