Thunder's Place

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Bigger dicks increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Bigger dicks increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

recently it was published, do is it true, about the risk but also is it possible to increase the dick size using viagra?

Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Taking Viagra may increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) because the drug can prolong sex and enhance the size of an erection, which increases friction, they note.

These are two effects "that could conceivably foster tissue abrasion and therefore increase the odds of STI transmission," they write in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections.

I would say no on the first question about risk but yes on the size question… Viagra, I’ve noticed gives me a much harder, larger erection then without it so it stands to reason that since the penis gets much harder it must also expand past what it normally does.. Reference the increased risk the study merely suggests that gay sex is greatly more dangerous then hetrosexual sex which I think everyone knows..


Eh, it’s all their fault. They aren’t practicing safe, monogamous sex. I constantly rant about my fellow homosexuals in that matter (in my LJ). .-. I’m not against the whole Viagra thing; however, they’re abusing it. Possibly 3 months-use of the drug and 10 partners in that time. Pfft. Sadly, this type of gay is all the media shows us. It’s not the media’s fault either. Damned GPP’s. *Groans*

Originally Posted by regularwhiteguy
I’ve noticed gives me a much harder, larger erection then without it so it stands to reason that since the penis gets much harder it must also expand past what it normally does..

regularwhiteguy, I don’t understand then if my penis size will increase if I just take Viagra without doing PE exercise or if the size increment is just temporal while the Viagra effects endure.

Temporal, pal. Very temporal.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Viagra does increase the flow of blood to the penis and I can attest that while under the effects of the drugs my erections are significantly harder and larger then when not on it… I would guess that when on the Blue pill one would get more out of a PE routine simply because of the increased blood flow. I’m not suggesting anyone take Viagra or like drugs for a better PE workout as who knows what prolonged use of that type of drug would do to you. I know when I do take one and use the pump the girth I can generate is well past anything I have in the members pic section, by a long ways!



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