When you start talking so many supplements including overseas script for stuff, it starts to get complicated. Plus the costs start to skyrocket, which is a large factor in all of this. You don’t want to chase being focused so much, that you are dead broke.
Remember a very respectable diet combined with exercise will do a lot by itself. Factor in the easy to obtain OTC products that are utterly legal as well as simple supplementation via orthomolecular routes should lead to some improvement too. Factor in the real exotic stuff last. The hardest part is trying to figure what is doing what when you are taking so much. Of course people always talk about stacking this with that and so forth.
Of course, there is a possibility of other medical issues causing some of your problems as well. My best estimate is get a nutrition book and maybe an orthomolecular based book off Amazon and plot from there. If you have a firm understanding in both, it will be way easier to add or subtract any other products you want with your growing knowledge base.
Fish oil is a decent product by itself, perhaps just get a good grade of it. You might not do the cloned from the best fish who ever lived tablets. Kind of like on the truck forums where people go insane over what oil to put in a truck and with what additive package as well. Semi-synthetic does most of the work of full synthetic for about half the price they claim.
PS: never buy dollar store scrapple either, unless you are having a food fight.
“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor
I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.