Thunder's Place

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centrum silver vs. gnc mega man


centrum silver vs. gnc mega man

I am not really educated in supplements so i would appreciate all your input here.

I have basically narrowed down my multivitamins to centrum silver and gnc’s mega man vitamins. I am wondering what one would be better overall? If you could also supply me with some information comparing the two instead of just stating your opinions that would be great also.

Thanks everyone.

150 tablets for about $11. Take one per day. About 7.3 cents per day.

http://www.gnc. com/product/ind … rentPage=family (select “product info”)

180 tablets for $32. Take two per day. About 35.5 cents per day.

They have basically the same ingredients except that the Mega Men has slight amounts of antioxidants and amino acids added. They also cost more and you have to take twice as many per day.

Since you don’t want opinions, I won’t give you one. I will say that I take the Mega Men.

Honestly it’s my belief to just choose whichever of the two are cheaper.

Make sure you’re eating well and take the supplement. That way you’ve got your bases covered anyway. Aim to supplement with these vitamins, not replace watching what you eat.

That means eat whole unprocessed foods.

Eat enough fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat, and whole grains and you’ll cover all your vitamin and amino acid bases.

I’ve tried both of those, and must say the GNC Mega Men is much better. I actually noticed more energy taking them, unlike the Centrum. I hear the best multivitamin though is NOW’s Adam.

I forgot to say, in the interest of full disclosure, I no longer take multivitamins but supplement with chlorella, spirulina, and ascorbic acid instead.

In the GNC mega men, what is the point of putting so much more mg’s of everything when they already exceed the 100% DV value?

Originally Posted by stud_foxxx
In the GNC mega men, what is the point of putting so much more mg’s of everything when they already exceed the 100% DV value?

I think that supplements that provide 2000-3000% of RDV are just ridiculous. There is only one thing your body does with that much excess and that is piss it out.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

With GNC mega men, do you take both pills at once or do you take one pill twice daily?

As I understand it at least in the case of vitamins like B12 you need a mega-dosage because your body can’t take advantage of the 100% RRDVbecause it wouldn’t all make it to the receptors for B12 so a mega-dose is an effort to insure you will absorb at least the RDV.

I guess that makes sense. It is like submerging a water bottle in the water without the cap for a second, some water gets in but it isn’t full. Now if you submerge it longer (mega-dosage), you will be able to fill the bottle up.

Originally Posted by stud_foxxx

With GNC mega men, do you take both pills at once or do you take one pill twice daily?

I take several pills and supplements in the morning and others in the evening. I feel it helps keep the levels up by taking them every 12 hours. When I have something with a normal “dose” of two tablets, like the Mega Men vitamins or the glucosamine/chondroitin pills I take, then I take one in the morning and one in the evening.

Have you taken the normal dose of 2 tablets at the same time and compared it to taking them separate?

No, I don’t think there’s enough “extra ingredients” to make much difference in how one feels.

Check this out:

So your saying that taking one twice daily is more effective?


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