Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CIALIS anyone?


“Now it is about “get what you can”

No doubt - but still, I’m surprised some of the black market sources haven’t seen fit to cash in on a sure-fire cash cow - between the oil company rip-offs, and the drug industry, the consumer doesn’t seem to have a chance!

Don’t get me wrong - I understand how capitalism works, and am all for it - until it crosses the line and becomes hiway robbery…


Originally Posted by chas123
I guess this is probably a stupid question, but what do you guys mean by sudden death?

It was a joke on my part, kind of. I believe Viagra has been implicated in the heart attacks of some men, and I think it’s nitrates that are contraindicated (nitroglycerin for heart conditions, mainly)—someone who really knows can set the record straight on this. Anyway, until it was more widely understood, there was a scare about using Viagra and keeling over.

Cool! You had me worried. I use the stuff all of the time and sudden death didn’t sound like anything I wanted to experience. I was illusioning something like sudden dick death :)

Originally Posted by chas123
Cool! You had me worried. I use the stuff all of the time and sudden death didn’t sound like anything I wanted to experience. I was illusioning something like sudden dick death :)

Well as long as you cum before you go….:-)


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