I was just wondering why you were going to front load the dosage as it sounded like you were coming off a steroid cycle. If you’re not coming off cycle then personally I would just go for a linear dose such as 50mg ED with strategic breaks of say 1 week in 4. Nearly everything you can find written for Clomid in men is post cycle, so there’s not much to give us guidance your your particular goal. The above values are just what seems reasonable to me and not hardened fact.
Many rufty tufty bodybuilders say it makes them cry like a little girl for no reason at all (best not watch Bambi then :) ). So, maybe the best thing to do is go by how you feel, and adjust accordingly.
I don’t see any real dangers in using it (other than the above paragraph), but the only way I could see how it would work would be as an estrogen receptor blocker (which might stimulate Luteinizing hormone due to loss of estrogen feedback), in which case Nolvadex or even an aromatase inhibitor might be alternatives to research too. I just ordered some formestane, so I might be able to give you some more feedback on that in a couple of weeks.
As for testosterone, unless you have other reasons (again, like juicing for BB), then I wouldn’t add testosterone as it will likely compete with your clomid intentions and supress LH. If you mean “testosterone supps” as in non-testosterone supplements that encourage endogenous testosterone production, then they may be beneficial depending on the axis of activity for that particular supplement. Without specifics though I couldn’t comment. Probably best to try one thing at a time imho.