Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Faster Healing and Maybe a Gain Aid


Faster Healing and Maybe a Gain Aid

I’m doing research right now on the web on different vitamens, herbs, and whatever else that speeds up the healing of bruises, puffiness, blood vessels, and even veins. So I am going to post some products and what they do. What are your thoughts on the?
Right now I am using Vitamen E, but I know that there is something much better to use that this. One of my problems is I only gain from alot of work outs with less break times, I end up having to take a long break. As well, if we can heal our bruises, keep better coloration of the skin, heal the puffiness faster and prevent it, and maybe for those that have unsightly veins or stretch marks, stretch marks can get worse like mine have and veins can get become unhealthy (clogged, leakage, ect.) and end up with more than you want, I do like the big veins though for sure, but I really want to make sure they all really healthy. Anyway, I am on the search for most of this. Basically we are breaking down the cells and then heal in our extended state (please expand on this if you like).

Vitamen K will heal dilated or broken capillaries, decreasing puffiness and swelling, strengthens capillaries, arteries and veins, thus reducing leakage and color lines, and helps prevent swelling.

Collagen will firm the skin, lessen stretch marks and wrinkles. Promote cell growth.

Vitamen E will speed up the rate of healing wounds, cuts, scraps, bruises.

VITAMIN K BRUISE CREAM, 2 oz, helps heal and reduce bruises. Exclusive formulation also promotes healing of damaged skin with professional strength Vitamin K, Vitamin E & Pycnogenol®.
Vitamin K-Cream with pycnogenol® has the following additional benefits;
Multiplies collagen (a skin protein) and elastin binding, improving skin
Smoothness and elasticity
Slows the wrinkling process
Suppresses inflammatory enzymes, decreasing puffiness and swelling.
Obstructs histamine formation, reducing allergic skin reactions
Strengthens capillaries, arteries and veins, thus reducing leakage and color lines.
Reduces the risk of swelling.

K-Derm Cream and K-Derm Gel contain Vitamin K which can help improve the appearance of unsightly fine spider veins and broken capillaries on both the face and legs. Applied twice daily to moist skin, they usually show results in a matter of 3-4 weeks. K-Derm may also be used for bruising and the redness associated with rosacea. It may give you some improvement for blood vessel derived lesions of the skin.

Emu Oil is an excellent skin-hydrating product. It helps to promote natural healing, rejuvenate and freshen dry skin tissue, leading to soft supple skin. Continued use will help to “plump” up your skin’s underlying layer and some say, reduce the appearance of fine lines. Emu Oil is also very high in collagen, making it effective in healing skin problems, such as eczema as well as minor burns, cuts and scrapes. Emu Oil has also been used to treat arthritis, shingles, rheumatism, bruises, insect bites, hemorrhoids, muscle pain, stretch marks, psoriasis, scar tissue, thinning hair, scalp problems, bursitis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, leg cramps, sunburn, joint aches & pain, dry or cracked lips.

For bruising, there are 2 consecutive treatments necessary to gain optimum benefits; one hot, to help the chosen oils infiltrate the skin and one cold to increase circulation to he area and help clear out the damages cell debris and blood. Use a cotton flannel in each case. In the hot water, add 2 drops of each oil from the list below. Apply to he bruised area for at least 10 minutes, making sure it is as hot as comfortable. After replacing it three times, change to cold water, using the same list of oils but add Rosemary and Ginger to the water as well.

Lavender, Geranium, Chamomile, Cypress
(Rosemary added in cold compress).

DKV 15 is a soothing all natural cream containing a 5% USP-grade professional strength Vitamin K along with therapeutic quality essential oils.
Vitamin K is a renowned coagulant, widely used to curtail bleeding during surgery. It is effective in repairing damaged capillaries, thus allowing surrounding dried blood to dissolve and skin to clear. Thousands of plastic surgeons, dermatologists and other skin care professionals have demonstrated the effectiveness of this non-invasive remedy. Dilated or broken capillaries are often called spider veins. These starbursts and clusters may be accompanied by pain and irritation, but they are always ugly and will not resolve themselves without intervention. By applying DKV 15 directly to the skin, conditions such as spider veins, scars, stretch marks and bruises can be reduced and relieved naturally without injection or surgery.

I will add more on more product research soon.

5.8 length, 5.1 girth
6.8 length (7.3 pressed), 6 girth (6.5 when squeezed)
Goal for 2004:
8.5 x 7.5

More on Vitamen K

The use of Vitamin K to promote healthy healing of skin is well documented, dating back to the early 1900’s. It has been used for years by leading surgeons and dermatologists before, during and after surgeries to promote the healthy healing of skin.

K utilizes a natural dermaceutical delivery system for Vitamin K. It aids in the healing of bruises, burns, skin irritations and can eliminate unsightly spider veins. Vitamin K is an organic substance essential in small amounts for normal metabolism.

Vitamin K fixes the damaged capillary by clotting the blood at the tiny tear, thus stopping the seepage. This allows the tissue time to heal itself. An easy example is if you cut yourself, the wound will not heal properly until it scabs over. The same thing happens with the damaged capillary or artery. It will not heal until the seepage has stopped. Once this is achieved, your spider veins will naturally fade away and with regular use of the Pro K, they will not reappear.

A spider vein results when a tiny pinhole tear occurs in a capillary or artery beneath the skin. Stress or some type of trauma usually causes this; i.e. childbirth, car accident, sport injury, or from a contact bruise. What you actually see is the blood that has seeped out of that tiny tear or pinhole and has followed the line of the capillary or artery. As an example, imagine putting a drop of water on a pencil - the drop will follow the line of the pencil.

Vitamin K is a natural substance found in vegetables - alfalfa, spinach, kale, carrot tops, tomatoes and certain vegetable oils.

”The main problem that causes impotence is that the blood vessels become blocked and the blood can not get to the penis. The other major problem is leakage of blood from the penis into the veins around the penis called a venous leak. This is very common, similar to a hole in a tire.”

So when we overdue our work outs and strain our dick out and sometimes some people have complained of weaker erections. Mine on the other hand has Improved. The veins have become very prominant. But for those those don’t want to risk someday getting spider veins and vericose veins, wouldn’t this be a good idea. Vitamen K would keep the veins healthy and get rid of the dry blood, if there is any, and stop venous leak. P.E. will and does give you better circulation, but if you have venous leak, it usually takes a while for that to heal up, from what I’ve read. If your PEing with not enough rest time when you have this, you may have problems later on (thoery).

I’m actually not trying to focus on veins, but having less down time and healing. And especially find a way to stop getting so much fluid build up. There was another read that (I’m not quoting this exactly) the pores become bigger overtime where the fluid comes from. That’s why if you do a lot of pumping of PE, eventually you will get fluid build up way too easily. You need to take a break if your getting fluid build up to quick and all the time. You don’t want this fluid build up.

We all want a bigger dick, but we don’t want a big ugly veiny, discolored, crooked, bumpy, scarred up dick. I don’t, I’m seeing too many veins and stretch marks, even with good gains, so there must be a way to heal properly in a expanded state without the battle wounds. The vitamen E alone is working. Mederma and VIP Cream (from Action Love . com) did not do a thing for me.

You’ve had some phenomenal gains, congrats!

I would very much like to know how you got those great gains in girth…

Have you ever heard of a product called Traumeel? It is very popular in Europe for reducing healing times and bruising etc.


Not enough about it. Would like to know the ingredients though.

Here are the ingredients, they are homeopathic compunds.

Active ingredients per 100g of ointment or gel: Calendula officinalis 1x; Hamamelis virginiana 1x; arnica montanca, radix 3x 1.50g each; Acontium napellus 3x; Belladonna 3x 1.00g each; Bellis perennis 1x; Chamomilla 1x; Echinacea angustfolia 1x, Echinacea purpurea 1x 0.50g each; Millefolium 1x 0.30g; Hepar sulphuris calcareum 8x 0.25g, Mercurius solubilis 8x 0.12g; Symphytum officinale 4x 0.10g; Hypericum perforatum 6x 0.09g. Inactive Ingredients for ointments: Purified water, paraffin, white petroleum, ethanol, and cetylstearyl alcohol; for gel: Purified water, ethanol, carbopol 980, and sodium hydroxide.

Also, when do you think its best to apply the ointment, right after jelqing or what?


Right now, I will be using different products to see if this theory works. Since it’s early on with this theory, apply it to any sore areas or discolored areas. On days off us it morning and night for faster healing. I don’t think it’s necessary to use it everyday. I myself don’t apply anything until say 8 hours later or twice a day on down times.

What is the name and/or brand of this product that you are using?

"You can't judge a fisherman by the size of his boat, but a bigger boat sure makes his job easier!"- unknown "Its not the size of the boat, its the motion in the ocean. Yeah but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat!" - Jeff Foxworthy June 2002: BPEL:6.5-6.75" EG:5.5-5.75" ? (Toilet Paper tube girth) October 2003 BPEL:8.0" EG:6.5" mid 7.0" @ Base February 2005 same :( New Year's Resolution: Lose 15 lbs and break this stupid plateau!!!!

I am using just vitamen E right now twice a day and it is helping. I tried Mederma and VIP cream and it didn’t help at all. I just ordered VITAMIN K BRUISE CREAM, I feel very confident that this will help gains in the fact I will heal faster and I can do more routines.

This is interesting.

What do you think of vitamin c? I believe Bib has a theory that vit c should not be taken because we want the tunica and ligs to be in a weakened state. Correct me if I’m wrong, anyone.

Or is what you’re discussing strictly topical and meant for external applications and results only?

What do you think about using a product suck as that Vit. K bruise cream or Traumeel immediately after a session. Is this advisable or is it best to wait for a few hours? Also, I read that Vit. C speeds up healing after surgeries, maybe it is good to take.


Vit. C is responsible for building strong teeth, bones, tissue and joints. It helps repair because it helps build.

There is a theory that keeping the dick and ligs in a repairing stage is better for growth than it being in a repaired stage, so not to use anything which helps quicken the rebuilding of the dick and ligs. I am not sure if I believe in the theory or not.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 12-29-2003 at .

The idea is to keep the skin soft, healthy and prevent stretch marks. Also if the vitamen K cream will repair broken blood vessel and veinus leakage. So that means it will also help make the blood spots disappear quicker. The rest of the ingredients could/can reduce and prevent that dreaded fluid build up. I am waiting for my order, might get it this week.

Cod liver oil should be added to everyone’s supplementation, as it lubricates tissues internally. Take 2 capsules a day.

I think a great all round combination for repair and health of the penis and it’s connective tissues, is Vit C, Vit E, Vit K, codliver oil, amino acids and an additional multi-vitamin tablet. Along with lot’s of water, which keeps the tissues hydrated and lubricated.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


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