Originally Posted by CW
I can’t speak for everyone else, but I have been working out diligently for four years. I eat a very healthy diet, though I did not always do so. About 5-6 years ago, I lost 65 pounds. Started the workout plan after losing the weight when my cardiologist and doctor convinced me that losing the weight was simply not enough to make by heart healthy. I have been at a very healthy 200 pounds since that time, which is perfect for my large 6’4” frame. The problem is, my lower abdominal fat has never gone away. I have spoken to my doctor about it on a couple of occasions and she indicated that the only way to reduce it is through surgery. She said that if it were going away, it would have done so by now.I wonder if these injections might have an impact. I’m certainly will to try it in lieu of an expensive, elective surgical procedure.
I come from a similar boat, was always overweight and now I am pretty lean and some size. 5’10,
Helio’s in combination with proper diet/exercise has shown spot reduction properties, problem over a large area like the lower ab, lumps can occur from certain areas being burned off faster the others.
It works for some better then others, but its cheap enough to try it and see how it works.