I don’t think it was exactly the same…but I’m guessing. This is a scientific study done at a major university. This really seems like something worth a serious look. I’m getting the stuff today, and will try it. The proper way to mix it according to directions is to empty the proper number of capsules into A CLEAN SMALL BOTTLE, then shake it throughly before you then scoop out enough to refill a 500 mg capsule. I’m going to measure out a 500 mg capsule first, into a 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon scoop and see if I can get a reproducible level. Then I will just scoop out that amount into a glass of water before sleep and after a 3 hour fast.
If you guys decide to try this, I suggest following the instructions exactly! I believe he has tapped into a way to really cause a serious GH release. Also follow the protection instructions to prevent any increased possibility for cancer. This is not your ‘run of the mill’ take so much of this and some of that recommendations, this is something really unique (my opinion).