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generic viagra - basic customs question

generic viagra - basic customs question

Y’all have gotten me interested in ordering some generic viagra pills for recreation, but I’m utterly ignorant about international mail and have a question. If my order were to be seized by customs somehow, what then happens? Am I somehow contacted about this? —If so, by phone or by mail? I recognize that there are no real legal consequences to worry about, but I share my phone line and do NOT want to risk some message on the answering machine about my Indian drugs.

Thanks for any help!

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Been waiting for mine since before Christmas. I dont know what happened to them. I am going to write them today about it.

It is not illegal in the USA to order prescription drugs, for personal use only, from a another country. But, customs can seize the package. If customs seizes it, they will then contact you. You can simply refused to come down and get it. They can’t arrest you, or fine you for this offense. There are a few states that the generic companies won’t ship to. Check the list at the site.

(I was nervous about this when I ordered too, so I looked it up)


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Thanks for all the info sean, that’s very helpful. I still wonder, though, how one is contacted when customs seizes something. (“If customs seizes it, they will then contact you.”) Anyone have any experience with that happening? As I said, I just really can’t afford to have my current housemates hearing about some package of mine being seized by customs.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

9 times out of 10 they will call you if they inspect it, and yes, they will leave a message. But 2 things:
1 - Customs has got bigger problems right now than stopping the spread of illegal Viagra.
2 - You can, if your roommate finds out, deny everything and play ignorant. Remember that this stuff is coming from far, far away where their English isn’t too good. Obviously mistakes happen, and things get lost in translation. You can joke w/ your roommate that some poor soul’s not going to get his Viagra, because they misshipped it!

Seriously, I’d be extremely suprised if Customs called about that. I dealt with US Customs on a daily basis for years, and they’re more focused on electronics, weapons, narcotics (the kind that dogs are trained to recognize) and anything ‘high-tech.’

I ordered some in December, and they arrived in the mail 3 weeks later from India with paperwork in tact, and no sign of having been inspected by Customs.

If you’re still uncomfortable, you can go to a doctor (online or otherwise) and simply pay to get an unfilled prescription. Believe me, they’re very, very easy to get.

Thanks so much Craig, I’m pretty confident now.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

I am not clear on something here. It is not illegal to import perscription drugs from overseas yet customs can sieze them? If it is legal, then why the siezure in the first place? Legal items should be shipped without confiscation. I still dont get it.



>>If you’re still uncomfortable, you can go to a doctor (online or otherwise) and simply pay to get an unfilled prescription. Believe me, they’re very, very easy to get.<<

Any examples of such sights craig68? Tanks



If my order were to be seized by customs somehow, what then happens?

You are immediately arrested by the FBI and castrated…so be careful.

Seriously, I’ve ordered it from India four times, from the same site, never had a problem.

Don’t worry about customs. If it’s legal and in small quantity (IIRC, 90 day supply is the rule of thumb) they’ll usually let it through.

Worry about your state laws. In some states possessing a prescription drug without having a prescription carries a hefty fine and/or jail time.

Edit to add: Local or state law enforcement won’t track you down, but if caught with it you can be charged. It has happened.

Is this stuff the same chemical as Viagra? I get the spams but assumed “generic v1agra” was a scam.

The stuff I got works like a charm. That’s the problem with spam - You just ignore it because you assume it’s a scam.

Has anybody on this board actually responded to spam with a purchase? (This might be a new thread)

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