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guayaki tea

guayaki tea

Has anyone tried this "Miraculous" tea/coffee substitute?

It is made from some rainforest herb which grows is south america or some place like that.

This is the website I read:
Guayakí Yerba Mate

They claim its nutritionally fantastic etc and has no bad ingredients. But I think they’re a bunch of hippies by the looks of it…

I’m thinking of trying some. Anyone else got any knowledge on this?

haven't tried it

Maybe I missed it but they talk about it containing a stimulant but then don’t mention what the stimulant is, maybe its made from (erythroxylon) coca :) . Normaly its guarana in these ‘hippy’ things.

I couldn’t find a full ingredient list, so I guess its hard to say whether the vitamins and nutrients are present at any more than a trace level.

Whats wrong with being a hippy? Yesterdays hippies are todays heartless corporate types if Douglas Coupland is to be believed.

hehehe memento…


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