Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HGH and penis growth



The reason I would recommend staying away from HGH is that it has an effect on all tissues, including cancerous cells and tumors. Its fine to take supps that increase you natural HGH but I would never recomment taking actual HGH.

Bpel: 7.625

Mseg: 5.125

FSL: 8.125

Which supplements do you take to increase HGH naturally?

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Some bodybuilders take huge amounts of GH never heard they become hung like donkeys.

HGH is bad news. You can’t make it target your Dick or even any specific body part. It can enlarge internal organs inwardly. Not worth the risk.

During puberty, your dick grows because special harmones are present which allows the HGH to enlarge the male genitals while these harmones are present. After puberty, these harmones are no longer present such that HGH no longer acts to increase the male genitals.

I believe UM1991 already said this, but in a more breviated format.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"


1/ One thing is for certain on the internet for anyone with access to Google..

Every idiot is an instant endocrinologist, an expert on hormones (such as HGH & Testosterone) & steroids

Get your facts right

The potential side effects of the symptoms of enlarged jaws/hands/feet, enlarged internal organs etc are only from taking MASSIVE (say > 15 IU per day) dosages
Taking <= 3 IU which would be the ballpark for anti-aging or wellbeing won’t get such side effects

As for causing or promoting cancer etc, it’s only true if you are predisposed to cancer in the first place
Which is why you need to do a test for pancreatic cancer among other things before going on it

Then again…at Thunders, many never let the facts get in the way of a good story

It’s hilarious at Thunders: “I heard…”, “I read somewhere…”

ps I’m just waiting for the idiot to mention that current HGH is obtained from cadavers :)

2/ Being on HGH as an adult, if nothing else, your dick would be slightly bigger when flaccid or erect from the increased water retention within the cells & from the thicker skin

Many who have taken it will attest that their dick noticeably feels ‘fuller’ when flaccid

See - it’s not so difficult if you engage your brain instead of “I heard..”, “I read…” yada yada


Living up to your name again I see. Please take a look at the Forum Guidelines.

There is no problem with respectfully tackling factual errors made by another poster, though linking your sources might be helpful and indicate that you aren’t doing what other people are doing. We do not however name call, if only because it makes people ignore what we are trying to get across and concentrate on the abuse.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

Living up to your name again I see. Please take a look at the Forum Guidelines.

There is no problem with respectfully tackling factual errors made by another poster, though linking your sources might be helpful and indicate that you aren’t doing what other people are doing. We do not however name call, if only because it makes people ignore what we are trying to get across and concentrate on the abuse.

Yeah what mem said. Verification via references would be appreciated, especially since the spirit of TP is for all of us to learn, grow, and improve ourselves. I’d like to learn more about this topic so give us some links to your sources and knowledge.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

Does GABA have HgH on it? Last year I took GABA tablets everynight before going to bed for 3 months. Now I suddently got taller im now 6’0.5” barefoot, before I was 5’11.75” barefoot

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

Originally Posted by TheGr8Leviathan
Does GABA have HgH on it? Last year I took GABA tablets everynight before going to bed for 3 months. Now I suddently got taller im now 6’0.5” barefoot, before I was 5’11.75” barefoot

Sounds about time for a haircut then :)

Originally Posted by patchukwurah
Sounds about time for a haircut then :)

Haha. I dont have hair, my head is always cut and smooth

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

Originally Posted by TheGr8Leviathan
Does GABA have HgH on it? Last year I took GABA tablets everynight before going to bed for 3 months. Now I suddently got taller im now 6’0.5” barefoot, before I was 5’11.75” barefoot

Are you less than 25 years old? Puberty does not end until 24-25 years of age for some men.

I found out about natural HGH increase while researching I.F. (Intermittent Fasting aka Lean Gains). Here is what I read. After a weight training session, the body produces natural HGH. The idea behind IF is that you work out towards the end of your daily fast, (anywhere between 16 hours to 20 hours) then fast for another hour or 2 before eating 50%+ of your days calories, then squeezing in the rest of your food inbetween what remains of your feeding window (4/8 hours) This goes against the received wisdom of body building of eating little and often, 6 small meals a day. The goal of IF being to build muscle at the same time as burning fat, rather than going through cycles of bulking and cutting. I know IF works from personal experience and massive amounts of anecdotal evidence. I’m not off topic here, bear with me pls. They say the reason why IF works so well is because, as you workout fasted, you trick your body into producing 10 to 20 times the amount of natural HGH than you would otherwise. I use the window of fasting after my workout and before I break my daily fast to do PE in the hope that I will see better PE gains as a result of increased HGH. I cant give you any results at the moment because badly injured a muscle in my glutes and cant train at all. Also I need to take NSAID anti-inflammatory drugs just to be able to walk, which I suspect is greatly hindering my PE gains.


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