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How to get more blow jobs


A the time, it was the only product I could find on the local market. Papaya is mentioned, because it is some combination "bromelain+papain".

I like to eat pineapple, but I neither wife nor kids eat it too and for myself alone, the fruit is too big for me to eat it fast enough before it gets moulded.

Fortunately enough, my wife does not seem to have any issues with swallowing my cum :) .

Hmm never heard of this pineapple yes but I’ve never had a problem either they say it taste great always. I’m healthy though no shitty sodas or energy drinks or sugar intake. I workout almost everyday and eat a vegetarian diet as well.

@B lol
How to get more blow jobs PT II - Be a vegetarian, multiple studies confirm this as well.

I guess I need to be more specific! How to get more blow jobs as an omnivore.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)


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