Getting back to the original question: Both Omega-3 fatty acids and gingko are known blood thinners, so I would be cautious about taking other substances that may further anticoagulate your blood, such as aspirin. If you notice petechiae while performing PE or easy bruising/bleeding, definitely cut back on the supplements. In my experience, I have never received any benefit from ginseng but I haven’t reviewed the literature on this substance. I think goat weed is a scam, as is much of the nutriceutical industry. Just be smart. Look at studies on PubMed and elsewhere. Many herbs, vitamins, minerals, and supplements do work and the ones you are taking (O-3 and gingko) are certainly good for your heart and may help stave off coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease as well as other conditions. And keeping healthy blood vessels is essential to having great erections well into old age. But, as with everything, there are risks and benefits. When I left my last reserach job, they were starting a human trial testing omega-3 supplements on pregnant women to see if it prevented the development of type- 1 diabetes, so research is starting to accumulate. A rule of thumb is that if anyone claims that a supplement definitely does something, they are probably trying to sell you something. Buyer beware.
As far as multi-vits go, just make sure they don’t contain iron (unless you are a vegetarian). You really don’t need that. As long as you are not getting mega doses of fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) you should be fine.
I worked in healthfood industry for 5 years and am a med student and take selcted supplements myself, including omega-3 and gingko.
As far as the argument regarding the benefits or harm of multi-vits, it certainly is a small leap of faith because the evidence is inconclusive (last I checked), but I always find it funny that people who smoke, drink, do drugs, don’t exercise, eat fast food, etc. are often the ones denouncing vitamins as poison.