Originally Posted by vkn1
Does the body down regulate it’s own production of HGH and/or IGF-1 in the presence of external sources? I ask because I understand this happen to a large degree with T replacement therapy — when a guy take Androgel or is administered T in whatever other form to bring their levels up to normal range, the body actually shuts down it’s own T production, so you are left entirely with the non-native T. This is also the case with anabolic steroid users like bodybuilders, baseball players (heh), etc. — When they take steroids for a certain length of time, coming off of them is difficult because their body is no longer producing it’s own anabolic hormones.Does the body down-regulate it’s own production of HGH or IGF-1 in an analogous manner?
Yes it does depending on dosage, frequency and duration.
However it’s not as bad as t suppression etc and taking some supplements and exercising will help raise it asap.