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Interaction between L-arginine, Ginkgo, Creatine, and Viagra

Interaction between L-arginine, Ginkgo, Creatine, and Viagra


Does anyone know whether there are any negative effects to taking L-arginine, Ginkgo Baloba, Creatine, and Viagra? I hear that Viagra should not be taken with L-arginine and Ginkgo Baloba because they’ll thin your blood too much or something. So is it save to take L-arginine, Ginkgo Balboa, and Creatine together then?

Found the following info:

Don’t take arginine if you are taking other drugs that dilate the blood vessels, such as nitroglycerin or sildenafil (Viagra).

Ginkgo Baloba
Because ginkgo reduces the rate at which blood clots, people who are on anticoagulants or who suffer from clotting disorders should consult a doctor before taking this herb.

Ginkgo intensifies the blood-thinning effect of long-term aspirin use and may lead to excessive bleeding.

Once I start taking Viagra, should I stop L-arginine and Ginkgo? There are so many disclaimers for everything that it’s confusing me. Hopefully a veteran will have some tips.

Ther is no interaction at all between the Viagra, L-arginine and Ginkgo. I take L-arginine and Ginkgo every day and then I take L-arginine and Ginkgo, then I take Viagra when me and the Mrs go at it.

Everything will be cool until you have a stroke or an aneurism. Actually I don’t know, but it seems very possible if you are taking three blood thinners. Ironically, I am doing the same thing with cialis and NoX2 and fish oil. It seems like everything that’s good for you is a blood thinner/anti-coagulant. Are there any cheap blood thickeners/coagulants? Would they significantly impair the function of the other things pe2do and I are taking?

"[Spits on ground] Such a big cock! I love big cock." -- Gauge

If it’s not, I’m in trouble:D

I combine both L-arginine and Viagra and I have not noticed and side effects. I guess I would be comatose or dead now from combining the two. But I also not a doctor.

Where are you guys reading that Viagra and L-arginine are blood thinners?

They increase the availability of nitric oxide (essential for erections) and both tend to reduce blood pressure by a small but noticeable degree.



So there is no conclusion or more thoughts put in here on taking L-Agrginine and Viagra together. I have been taking 2 to 3 grams L-Arginine a day and thinking of trying sildenafil citrate. I’ll post my experience later.

I didn’t notice any side effect from using Ginko Biloba, L-Arginine and Viagra(generic).

I take 200mg of GB(from 2 Vig-Rx caps), 3 grams of L-A day. Tried generic Viagra for my girth workout. I feel great girth workouts with these supps.


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