I’m gonna go with my theory of “Crap Website = Crap Product” theory on this. If they aren’t professional enough or don’t have enough faith in thier product to hire a web designer that will do something beyond a Geocities quality site then they have already lost me. This rule also applies if they have too many stock images or feel the need to show a picture of every Doctor that digs the product. As if we need proof that he/she really owns and wears a lab coat!
Coming from a background in design, I tend to put a lot of weight in it. Album covers, ads, websites, movie posters, you name it. It has very rarely served me wrong.
Another telltale sign of a company’s lack of faith in the staying power of a certain product is when they immediately suggest that you buy an insane amount up front like the 6 month supply they are pawning. If they were more confident in the product, they would be more willing to reap the benefits of monthly orders at full retail price. This also goes for people who stick you on an automatic recurring order type of thing. That is not to say that every company who asks for a recurring order is slimy, but they probably are if you have to jump through hoops or pay an increased price to not be on it.
But I’ve never tried Kong. I don’t think I will, either.