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L- Arginine and Diabetes


L- Arginine and Diabetes

Is it safe for a diabetic to take L-arginine?

A friend of mine takes 3000mg l-arginine a day, he’s a diabetic and is concerned about it’s safty. He is taking something for the diabetes and also another medication for cholesterol.

Anyone with experience/ knowledge about it out there?


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I’m diabetic-control the problem with oral meds and diet/excerise.

While I don’t claim to be and MD, I have studied the disease fairly extensively (For obvious reasons).

It would seem to me that your friend may be taking too much-1000 mg a day is what I take. (On a schedule of two weeks on, one week off)

The most noticeable thing(s) to watch out for is any change in blood sugar levels…. L-arginine can affect insulin production and carb metabolism.


last part of the link should read:


It’s OK…
(The link from last post works fine, no need to rewrite it)

Last edited by WillB7 : 07-13-2002 at .

Thanks Cajun for your response and for the link.

I had no idea that l-arginine affects insulin and carbohydrate metabolism. I looked around and found that you are right, this link says exactly what you said :
http://www.heal … cle.asp?id=1702
It also says to cycle arginine use about every three weeks…

I’ll tel my friend to consult his doc about it.
How did you come up with the dose (1000mg) you are taking, and does your doctor know/approve of it?

Thanks again.

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Doc is unaware-I figured the dose was low enough that it shouldn’t hurt….(there I go again, practicing medicine…)

Anyway, I monitor the sugar levels religiously and have seen no appreciable change with this dosage.


I read that the increase in Nitric Oxide caused by arginine may actually benefit the blood vessles in diabetics.

The dose you are taking sounds reasonable to benefit from the l-arginine and stay safe at the same time. But it may be a good idea to tell the doctor about it.

Thanks for your input, it really helps.

ù ì å í



Cajun , Thanks for the reply to Willb7 question , I asked him for the imfo, this diabetes is new to me my count is average 125 -160 started at 312, lost 25# and taking oral meds, watching diet, still looseing weight, check blood sugar every morn, this is something I am working hard on. I will check out info this weekend Any other help that you learned or foods that are good for us let me know tired of lettece and chicken fish, One good thing out of this is lost my belly and can see my dick again Thanks and get back

Steel B

Just have to find out what causes it for you, I think. For me, any processed flour, or food high in fat causes sugar spikes.

White bread for example, cauese a sugar spike of 30 points in me.

I am usually ok in the afternoon/evenings, my morning sugar is usually high-dosen’t matter if I fasted the night before or ate a healthy meal!

The problem with diabetes is that it’s something you have to moniter closely as it’s constantly changing on you.

Weight loss and exercise help a lot.

I’m currently taking glucophage and glyburide-getting fairly good results.

How about chlorestol (sp)-any problems there?

Have you had eyes, heart etc. checked?

a little humor

As far as food-use these 2 rules:

1. If it tastes good-spit it out.

2. Learn to develop a taste for cardboard.

I have taken Arginine consitently for over a year. Is this going to be a problem? Should I discontinue it?

I take 3-4mg of L-Arginine and niacin daily and I’m on diabetic meds (metformin). As I understand it anything that helps with circulation and improved metabolism is a general BENEFIT to diabetics. But I also have lost more than 40lbs in the last 3 months with vigorous walks of 3-4miles 4-5 times a week and doing a verrrry low carb diet. I too am glad I can see my pecker again! I’ve still got a long way to go to meet my weight loss and PE goals. Going great so far!

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

I am an insulin dependent Type 2 diabetic (19 years) on an insulin pump plus Metformin. I take 5 to 6 grams of l-Argenine ethyl ester three hours prior to anticipated sex (about twice a week). It only has a minor effect on my erections. But I have not noticed any adverse side effects after over two years of use.

Does l-Arginine have any adverse effects such as blood pressure fluctuations and micro-vascular complications, I.e. Kidneys, eyes, etc?

I was taking BP drugs prior to starting to use l-Argenine and have not noticed any changes in BP since starting on l-Argenine.

However, I do suffer from retinopathy. It started well before starting on L-Argenine, but the retinologist believes the condition has worsened due primarily to 19 years of diabetes, sometimes uncontrolled. However, I will mention l-Argenine at my next visit. My endocrinologist (diabetes doctor) tests my blood quarterly and there has never been an indication of kidney problems.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

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