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L-Arginine and high blood pressure

L-Arginine and high blood pressure

Does anyone know the hazzards of combining L- Arginine and Manchurian ginseng?. I suffer from high blood pressure and take ginseng(250mg) once or twice a day. I also suffer with impotence for the last few years and since ginseng I have been waking with a MORNING GLORY. I now would like to try L-Arginine at the same time with ginseng.Any suggestions?.


L-arginine will lower your blood pressure. The molecule NO, or nitric oxide is a vasodialator, meaning it widens your blood vessels. Ever heard of someone getting Nitro after a cardiac event? Its a NO donor. The moleculer is responsible for that full pump you get in your bi’s when you do curls, its the nitric oxide expanding the blood vessels in your arms. Anyways, taking arginine can only help you.

I hate to give medical adice seeing how im only an EMT, but the literature on this quite extensive.


Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Only an EMT? Never say that, man! Jones, your the guys that end up saving a paramedic’s ass when we get in too damn deep.

As far as arginine goes, mini-me, try and get a hold of a book called The Arginine Solution. I just ordered mine from Amazon, read the first few chapters last night. Excellent read so far.

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

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