for liquid Cialis. See the thread called “closing down all the generic drug sites” for many comments on this. I am a happy customer of kitsnmore, and have read all positive things from other members about this site.
As for the “why liquid” question:
A pill is a very accurate way to give an exact dose, it is the easiest for the consumer, and it is no big deal for a large pharm. company to make. For illegal distributors of patented drugs, it is much cheaper to make powder (skipping the step to tabletize, which requires expensive equipment, and more expensive packaging etc). It is easy to convert a powder to liquid based product, compared to converting to tablets.
I love my liquid C. It seems to last in my system for a week, and I agree with MDC that it has improved my erections even when I stop taking it. It feels like it is a healthy thing to do. (My opinion. Realize that taking prescription drugs without a doctors supervision has its risks.)